Bluetooth hearing aids on NHS

Are there any NHS hearing aids where you can save the audio settings when listening to streamed music/TV etc?

With the hearing aids I have whenever I play music or watch videos I have to open up the myPhonak app, wait for it to connect to my hearing aids, then alter the slider all the way to the right so I get balanced audio in both ears, and then sometimes adjust the volume too, depending on what I am listening to.

Is there any way to permanently change this? It is annoying. I literally always want the slider to the right.

My NHS Oticon Optim behave in a similar way, you always have to adjust the streaming volume with the TV Adapter, it keeps forgetting the setting.

I have NHS Phonak hearing aids. The audiologist added a music program. On this, I can change the settings and save them as a new program, eg Music 1. The settings remain the same unless I update them.

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Is that music program used when you are streaming music?

I have a music program but it isn’t used for streamed music/audio.

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No, sorry. I didn’t notice that you were referring to streaming. Your NHS audiologist could adjust the streaming settings on Target, I think but I’ll check that and report back after my next appointment in a few weeks time. But someone else on here could probably answer.

Yeah that could be done in target for a more permanent solution.

Thank you! I will attempt to book an appointment with my hospital to get the settings changed.

There is guidance on the Phonak Website for translating adjustment on the app into the Target software.

Thank you. I am trying to find the specific instructions for altering ambient balance in the Bluetooth streaming setting, but so far I haven’t been able to find this one. I think it would be safer to have instructions I can email them!

this is the link to audiologyonline with instructions for:
How Do I Apply My Patient’s myPhonak App Adjustments to Their Hearing Aid Settings in Phonak Target?

Thank you, I did find that but it doesn’t seem to cover the setting I want to change.

I think you are confusing the app with Target , that’s the software that the audiologist uses to adjust your aids. For NHS it is locked so you need to stay with them unless you adopt Diy.
Show them the article @firenzel has quoted.

No, I wanted to have instructions which show my NHS audiologist how to make the setting permanent for me. I am not trying to make it permanent myself, I know I can’t. But my hospital is crap to put it bluntly and they will need step by step instructions. They have previously told me the setting cannot be made permanent.

That is exactly what the article quoted by @firenzel does.

for altering the Ambient Balance is no specific handle in the Target software.

i assume you want both

  • an reduction of ambient (surrounding) noises picked up by the microphones
  • increased volume of the bluetooth streaming sound

→ the the NHS audiologist can change the following in the fitting software

  1. In the bluetooth streaming programms the microphone input could reduced
    If you want to have an attenuated (toned down) ambient input from the hearing aid microphones during streaming, then the NHS audiologist should reduce the microphone input in the bluetooth streaming programms.

  2. increase overall volume of the bluetooth streaming programms

During streaming via Bluetooth (via phone, or other Bluetooth devices) you can alter the volume on the source device. So you could increase the loudnes/volume on the phone, Tablet, PC etc. to amplify the streaming volume.

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There is nothing for replicating bluetooth streaming settings that I can see. That’s all I want to change.

Thank you, this is the kind of info I was after! :slightly_smiling_face:

Ideally I would like almost no mic input – I listen to audio at home – it’s the sense of one ear having more ambient sound/not so much music which is utterly maddening.

the maximum attenuation/reduction for the microphones input is -10dB

In the bluetooth streaming programms the microphones can switched off, by removing the the check mark.

The NHS aids are “Not” always locked @michael1, I have a set of Naida Marvel 70 SP’s, given to me when they were less than a year on the market, REM was done, so I imported those settings, into a set of Naida Paradise 90 UP’s, via Target software, I still have those very same settings in the Naida Paradise aids… Like most folks, I thought they would be locked, they weren’t… Cheers Kev :wink:

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Oh that is brilliant. Thank you so much, and especially for the screenshots. Now they can’t tell me it can’t be done. :slight_smile: