Bilateral Mild progressive sensorineural hearing loss

Hello! I’ve posted this in a couple of different groups but I’m just trying to get as much input/ insight as possible! Since 2017 I have slowly been experiencing hearing loss. I finally requested my records from my ENT and it says I have mild progressive bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. In the past 7 years it has declined each visit. This last visit has seemed the biggest jump so far (but not terribly significant right now) my ENT referred me to the hearing aid clinic for an evaluation. High and low frequencies seem to be the worst for me. I have diagnosed EDS and suspected Mitochondrial issues (along with a list of other diagnosis) and my doctor assumed one or both of those is the culprit as I am 24 (so not from age).

My main question is, what is other people’s experience with progressive sensorineural hearing loss? Does their hearing continue to deteriorate? How quickly?

I know everyone is different, but I’m just trying to get a little insight on others experiences because I feel a little clueless!

(I also don’t really know what type I have. I saw the term Rising on my papers from the ENT but someone else said it looked like Reverse Cookie Bite to them)

I recommend you to read some papers about it. I recommend you this one

Your type of hearing Loss is called “sensorineural hearing loss”, and is descendant, not rising, is probably related to EDS, now if you have also a mitochondrial hearing loss, could generate and increase the hearing loss of the high frequencys depending of which mithocondrial problem is.

Your low frequencies seem fine to me, in the left ear is a bit high on 30 dB at 250 Hz (20 dB or lower is considered normal), maybe you were also a little sick at the moment of the test, as that always screw low frequencies.

Thank you so much for answering and for your information! I’ll have to look at that link! I feel so bad. I just realized the hearing test that uploaded is actually my dad’s. It isn’t mine. I just fixed it and uploaded mine instead

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oh, that explains a lot, anyways, if you have any question. feel free to do so.