Best RIC Hearing Aids for over-the-ear headphone wearers?

I guess this thread is really asking the reverse question, “If I like to use over-the-ear headphones, what HA’s should I get that would work well with them?” But a recent thread started by Mark Chambers has some great info on user experiences and preferences for various types of headphones with HA’s. Given the relative expense and relative effort involved, it might be easier and cheaper to find the HA’s that work best overall for you and then get the headphones that work best for those HA’s. My own limited experience is that my ReSound Quattro’s work great with my noise-cancelling Microsoft Surface Headphones - hardly ever any feedback with or without the headphones for my Quattro’s but if I have the HA volume cranked up too much, particularly if I’ve adjusted my settings to greatly increase the treble, it is possible to get a small amount of annoying feedback, particularly if I brush the earcups against something, especially in a dry, “staticky” situation in the winter when wearing a wool scarf, etc. So maybe the difference the OP found with feedback with different HA’s is more the way the wearer or the audi had adjusted some settings? Did the same audi fit both the Starkey’s and the Oticon’s?