Best hearing aid dryer for ITEs? (oticon opns)

Anyone have good luck with a dryer for ITE aids? I had a dry lux but it was too hot or something and my hearing aids were having issues with it. I’m using the HalHen super dri-aid jar right now but it’s so humid and hot this summer and when I work out, it is too much moisture for the aids (I have oticon opn aids). Just trying to find something else that might be more powerful but not too powerful.



OK - this may be OVERKILL for you, but I’m now in a 30-day trial for the ReDux hearing aid dryer. This unit is typically used at clinics or dispensaries - it’s NOT cheap!

However, my new audi gal put my Phonak Marvel aids in the unit a couple months ago while I was there to explore new aids. She mentioned that a LOT of moisture was removed from the aids. That surprised me cuz I put them in a small Widex UV unit every night, and thought that did the trick?

I know the Widex unit was not perfect, cuz I live in a super humid climate, and after a good workout, my aids simply won’t perform! The sound quality is terrible, and it seems I’m limping through hours of that day till they dry out somehow.

I’ve been wearing aids for 34 years now, so I figure I can splurge for a lifetime investment to keep my current and future aids moisture-free. I’ve used the ReDux twice, and the first time, a LOT of moisture was removed from the aids (after my exerbike session). A few days later, not so much moisture was removed, so I still need to figure out how this unit works, and what exactly a LOT of moisture (measured in uL) means?

I plan to post a review in a couple more weeks, but wanted to at least mention the unit here for those willing to plunk down a lot of money for the LAST drying unit they may ever need. Note: this unit does NOT have any UV/sanitation! So it will be a two-step process if I keep it. I’d need to run the dryer (max is about 12-15 min), then at night, put my aids in a UV unit.

I absolutely need my aids working in TOP condition 24x7, so I can’t be lax about taking care of them. Plus, I’m very active, and expose the aids to lots of moisture even at the hair salon or outside where it’s humid with NO air conditioner. Stay tuned for more info on the ReDux. Dr Cliff uses one in his clinic, my audi’s clinic has a unit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if other audis and dispensers here also have one on hand.

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I just purchased a Zephyr from Dry and Store. Got it yesterday. Last night was the first time I have used it, but it does seem to work well. I did have an old Dry & Store Professional that finally gave out.
This time I chose to get one without the UV light. My feelings are that I use an antibacterial wipe when cleaning my aids before bed so for me I don’t believe a UV light is needed. You can purchase a Global from Dry & Store that has a UV light if that is your preference.

WOW, Bluejay, please let us know how you like the Redux.
I was not aware you could trial the Redux. In my hunting for a new dryer just the other day, I was looking at the Redux website. I remember discussing with my husband that I would love to see Redux come out with a unit for home use.
I was in the same boat as you. I started having trouble with my Oticon Dynamo, so I went to my audiologist. She had just gotten the Redux. She said she pulled out a lot of moisture from my aids.
So since I have decided to purchase a new set of hearing aids, ( the Dynamo’s are now obsolete ). I purchased a new dryer also. Went with the Dry & Store Zephyr.


Thanks bluejay and Laura! The Redux does look amazing but yeah, $3600 is a lot! I’ve tried the dry and store zephyr and it seemed to do a good job but was so noisy my husband couldn’t sleep when it was on (I wear them 100% of the time while I’m awake except for showering and take them out when I go to sleep).

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My hearing brother can’t hear my Zephyr at all even when right next to it. He has super good hearing. I wonder if yours is faulty?

I asked him if he could hear it (EDIT - When on and with Aids inside) as the drying box that I used as a teenager, my brother opened my door in the night, first time using it, wondering what on earth was so loud, he could hear from his room.

We don’t live together now but still wanted to know if he could hear it.

WOW. I had to ask my husband if he can hear it run. He could not. He has good hearing.
As Zebras said, maybe something was wrong with yours.
I did read some reviews on Amazon, that shortly after buying it, some people complained that it got noisy.
Hope mine don’t.

Oh I didn’t see that.

I’ve had mine around 8 years and it was second hand bought off eBay.

Hopefully mine won’t become noisy.

Note to All! Yes, the ReDux is ridiculously expensive for the home consumer … but they cut me a deal, so I got it at a discount. They are working on a home market unit, but it would be a tough sale unless the price is more in line with others in the market.

Laura_B: I also used many Dry and Store units for 15 or more years - including the Zephyr. That was my small “travel” unit. I don’t recall it being noisy, but their largest unit (looked like a coffin, I swear!) was annoyingly buzzy to my hubs with his perfect hearing. That’s what got me looking around for UV units. I figured the UV could “in theory” dry out the aids as well as sanitize them. Of course I was living a mile high in a SUPER dry climate for almost 20 years.

Now that we’ve relocated to the steamy swamps of FL, humidity is Enemy #1. I will invest in the BEST I can find to dry my aids, knowing that they’ll need the nightly UV sanitizing, too.

Just a note here: the ReDux is LOUD!!! It buzzes like a small airpane outside, no kidding. So you will not be able to dry your aids at bedtime. The good news is that it takes about 15 min max to draw out all the moisture, and the unit will shut off and give you the moisture reading. So I just use this unit as needed (after working out) and would not be traveling with it.

Hope that helps!

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Yes. I live in Florida too. It has been very hot and humid as of late.
Good luck with the Redux.

LOL! Small but wonderful world! Thank GOD for A/C is all I can say. :slight_smile:

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You guys, coming from a doctor (me), don’t sweat about having UV sanitation. First, it’s debatable really how much sanitation, of any kind, they need. Cleaning…yes. They aren’t sitting in your body invasively, they aren’t in any mucous membranes, and they sit a little inside your ears which are constantly exposed to your environment anyway. You don’t “disinfect” the first inch of your ear canal, do you? So why do you need to constantly disinfect your HA’s? UV sanitation does work, but only for the area that actually has UV light shining on it. Meaning just the surface. So, it doesn’t really do much for disinfection of HA’s Most UV santising that isn’t for commercial equipemnt is just BS marketing for the companies selling the equipment. You can sanitise your HA’s much better by just wiping them down with the usual solution. And UV does NOTHING to dry them. Drying is by evaporation, that means heat and/or airflow. Not invisible UV light.

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What did you think about the Redux drying system. I came across website where you can now buy them.


INTERESTING! I bought the clinic version of the Redux about a year ago cuz that’s all they were selling. SUPER expensive, but I figured I’d be swimming and exercising in my Lumity Life “waterproof” aids and needing to dry them out?

Yeah, well that didn’t work out very well. The aids are no more waterproof than my Marvels. So I sank that first pair PDQ after a couple short swims in the pool. I’d put them in the Redux and after about 40 min, it would’ve removed a ridiculously LARGE amount of water (probably from the receiver/speaker end).

I even traded emails with the top dogs at Redux cuz they realized we need good HA dryers, but they only sold to clinics at the time.

I have used the Redux with my older Marvel aids (after a good workout) and thought the unit did an EXCELLENT job drying them out! I really like how we get feedback on the display as to the time it takes to get X-amount of moisture removed. So I’ve KEPT that unit.

But the truth is that these rechargeable aids - and in particular, the hermetically sealed ones like Lumity Life are only going to get a low-moisture removal reading. It’s probably from JUST the receiver/speaker cuz the BTE unit is truly sealed. Even so, I pop them in the ReDux after a sweaty workout and feel I’m keeping them in the best condition possible.

The fact that rechargeables are taking the market by storm is of concern to ReDux, too, cuz they also wonder how a “hermetically sealed” aid even has moisture buildup…

That’s the million $ question here.

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@bluejay My name is James and I launched Redux many years ago now. I wanted to update you that we now offer a Redux Home model for $399, roughly 90% less than the clinical versions. We remove all water from hearing aids in about 2-hours and then regenerate the desiccant so it works efficiently every time and does not need repurchased and replaced!

Check it out at and let me know if you have any questions at

Thank you for sharing your experience with others!

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Redux Home is now available for 90% less than the clinical versions. Complete moisture removal is now assured at home! Check out for more information and let me know if you have any questions along the way!

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Hi James!
My audi just told me a couple weeks ago about the lower-cost Redux unit on the market! I’m very glad you have that option now! :smiley:

I LOVE the size of that new, home unit! But I already have your clinic version, and am hoping it lasts a long time. I can definitely vouch for it’s doing a great job drying out my aids.

My only suggestion (FWIW) is to change the shot of the gal with the hearing aid in her ear canal. Granted, you’re trying to show that it’s an AID, but it looks like a super old fashioned model to me?

The BTE aid pictured in the actual unit is what’s hot right now - sleek and sexy (well, I think so anyway).

lol, this is what I posted about a home unit being available, 26 days ago.

I do wonder how it’ll performs in relation to the professional one.