Believe it or not there is a Hearing aid museum

I came across this site. Its actually really interesting.

"Welcome to the largest on-line hearing aid museum in the world, and indeed,
probably the second largest collection of old hearing aids in the world!
When this web site is completed, you will be able to browse through more than
1,494 different hearing aids and related items that have been used down
through the years. At present there are about 825 items on-line. Many
hundreds more will be added in the future as time permits.

These hearing aids are from the private collections of Hugh Hetherington
and Neil Bauman, two of the foremost authorities on old hearing aids alive
today. Neil is also the owner/curator of “The Hearing Aid Museum”."

A question for everyone.
Which of you owns the oldest hearing aids still in active duty? :slight_smile:


Cool post. Thanks! I’ll go and look.

Way back in another lifetime I worked for Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing.

The pranksters would find him up a tall ladder and start talking to him. They did it well, with no words. He always came down the ladder and shook his hearing aids and tried to see why they weren’t working. Big laugh; then he’d get back to work.

I got to sit in the machine shop. Their prank for me was to put a peace of heavy steel on top of 4 drums. 5 pound hammer on it. If they saw me on the phone they’d walk by, and hammer all the way walking by. Deafening noise. Literally.

His hearing aids were exactly those shown on the top of the museum home page, in the corner.

Very cool, will definitely be checking this out!