Behind the ear, aid question. Scratchy noise?

My left seems to pick up hair noise but my right doesn’t. It’s rather annoying.

LOVE those zany aids above - hey, wear ANY socks you like. The more color, the better!

OK. Oddly enough, my LEFT aid also picks up all the hair-rustling - so much so that I’ve contemplated shaving a 1" strip around that ear. I wonder if our LEFT aids are the dominant aid - the one that transmits phone calls and Acoustic Phone sound to the right aid?

I don’t remember having the sound much at all when I trialed with the Oticon OPN
but it’s been a constant minor issue with my phonaks. My audiolgist has incrementally tuned down something to fix it, and at one point till it was almost gone, but I feel like it just started to creep in on blocking other good sounds. We’ve found a compromise setting and I have mostly just gotten used to it.

I do resonate though with the “hearing that i need a haircut”! in fact I need one now, and think I’m going to ask for a little tighter around the ears this time just to see… I normally have it clippered with a 1-1/2 on the sides, maybe try a 1 this time.

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Having worn HA for 61 years I have found it depends on the location of the mike on your aid. The older aids had a cover over the mike that was opened to the front or the rear. It was hard for the hair to rub on the mike. The Phonak’s I wear have the mike on top where the hair is able to rub the mike. For me this happens for 4/5 days after a haircut until the hair grows out a little.