Bad at wearing hearing aids

I have NHS hearing aids which I only wear occasionally, how can the audiologist tell how often I wear them as she always seems to know.

They can tell from the program software.

Why do you only wear them occasionally?

I have NHS and Costco KS10 aids, the latter I prefer, but always try to give the former some use, because my circumstances could change. I don’t want to be told I’m not entitled because of lack of use.

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They annoy me because of whistling noise and also get uncomfortable after a while. I do have an appointment next week but she said if I don’t wear them I won’t get any more. I just wondered how they know if I wear them from the program if they just need to be switched on.

Have you told them you are having problems with feedback (whistling)? I’m sure they could be adjusted. I have the same problem with my NHS aids, but think it’s a problem with the shape of one of my ear canals.

If they were left on, and you frequently changed the batteries, I think it would appear you had been wearing them, but that defeats the object.

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Both of these things are adjustable. Certainly there’s some degree of getting used to hearing aids, but if they are uncomfortable there are things that can improve that. Feedback can be totally resolved. Sometimes you lose some gain with strict feedback control, but if it’s the difference between you wearing them and not wearing them, you’re better off with suboptimal gain and hearing aids you’re actually going to wear. It’s totally acceptable for you to say when and how feedback bothers you.

Audiologists like fixing problems, if they know about them. The goal is 10+ hours of wear time a day. If you’re running into an obstacle, let them know. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have an appointment next week so I’m going to see what they can do, I’m just worried I’ll get told off for not wearing them as often as I should.


I’m sure an explanation will suffice, and really the ball is in the audiologist’s court, to make your aids fit for purpose. You have valid reasons for not wearing them.


Try to take notes about what is happening when you are wearing the aids. Include the environment you are in.
These notes will help you remember to explain things to your fitter. These notes will be a huge help for your fitter too.

Good luck