Audifon Audifit Software Download Link

Hello, can someone share the Audifon Audifit Software?

Unfortunately the Audifon Audifit is version 5.6. The Noahlink Wireless is not listed there. In the Noahlink website Certified Noahlink Wireless and Noahlink Wireless 2 Modules – HIMSA they say that Noahlink Wireless is supported from version 5.8 on.

In the current version 5.6 only NOAHLink & HI-PRO devices are supported.

Someone have an update?

Web searches only bring me as far as 5.8 patch 2. Has anyone got the 5.8.6 or newer version?

The 5.8 patch 2 works well with Noahlink wireless.

I need help downloading AudiFit4 :pray: :pray: :pray:

Unfortunately only Version 5.8.21054.501…

Will PM you about version 4.7.3

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hi guys. anyone has Audifit from audifon software 5.8? Thanks!!

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Hi there, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects.

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I need also the software for my RISA audifon hearing aid. Do you have a link on it? Thanks, appreciate if someone help us the link.

The link was expired​:sweat_smile:, is there a recent version of Audifit . Thanks in advance.:heart_eyes:

I believe so, check your PM.

Can someone help with a download link for Audifon Audifit Software?

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, are you a registered provider?

Yes I am a registered Audiologist

I own a NoahLink Wireless 2 adapter and search for a software download Audifit 5.x. Is there anybody who can help me, please?

Hi there, I have an older version, you might be able to update it.

Thank you very much!

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Unfortunately I can’t find an option to upgrade

Sorry it’s the only version I have, but I’m someone else I sent the software to was able to do it, have you got some screenshots of the software open on your PC, sometimes you have a separate updater, did you check the system tray on your PC.