Anyone with Phonak Audeo Lumity L30's find benefit in a Phonak upgrade?

Seems like I’m at the end of the line with my L30’s and I’m considering a change/upgrade to a Phonak model that has finer selection of frequency response, like the L90’s.

Some voices are ok, and I probably wouldn’t be pursuing this but my wife’s voice does not come through clearly, most often.

Anyone find a benefit in this regard?

TIA, Nick

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I’m waiting on some P30 to be delivered to me. I wear the P70.

I’m going to be testing if I do indeed find the P70 better.

I anticipate I won’t notice any difference between the P30 and P70 with my hearing loss.

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You could just make a client with the L90 selected and then export those settings into your L30 if you just want more channels to adjust.

You don’t need to actually own the L90 to set up a client and to play around as you have the L90 even tho you don’t.

I haven’t done this but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work.

EDIT - I don’t think it’ll work, thinking of it.

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It does work as I transferred my P70 settings into my P30 and despite the P30 having less channels, the graph on my P30 looks identical to my P70.