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We currently only have the Livio AI models listed, but we are working on getting the other technology levels loaded up. Waiting on some clarification from Starkey before adding other technology levels. To be honest, we’re struggling to find good descriptions for all the software features before adding more data. This is really all I could find, but I have reached out to Starkey for more info.
I have the info too but the new bte aid with 13 battery goes down to severe hearing range, not profound. Gain is 70 dB max. Profounds start at 80 dB or more. I owed a pair of Widex Super 440 RIC which maxed at 73 dB. My audiologist maxed the settings and the aids weren’t powerful enough for a person with profound hearing loss.
wow, I would be a good fit for that maybe! (or my mom if she stays the same idk yet ) but good idea for the fall sensor too since she’s prone to fall because of osteoporosis also