Anyone using or have used Starkey Remote Microphone +?

Do these table mics work? The mic + also streams to HA from a connected device. Would be nice to connect to a landline phone and be able to stream to the HA

@Blacky has commented on them.

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Maybe @Blacky will see this and respond, I’m not having any luck with search.

She doesn’t use Starkey so won’t be able to help, I have to ask, have you not asked uncle Google for reviews?

I found this in 10 sec

Yes I have seen that but looking for real situation use on the mic+. I know what Starkey says it will do but wondered if anyone here had one that could give an opinion on how well it actually works.

I have found a ton of conversations on the Roger stuff.

I get ya, is it not possible to trial one from a local audiologist clinic, you could then write up the very first review in real world experience.

Yeah quite a bit that’s for sure, just shows how popular Phonak has become.
Can’t help noticing that the Starkey table mic looks a bit like Phonaks Rodger Select microphone, it’s got Beam forming as well, and other similar features, one would think it would work in a similar way, they make similar clams.

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My audiologists was going to have one for me to try at my visit Thursday but like every thing else it’s on back order. I’m sure she will let me try it for a few weeks and bring it back if I don’t find it useful. She did say they can be used to plug into landline phone to stream to HAs, which will be my main use for it.

The table mic does seem interesting. I’ll ask her about it also to see if it’s useful in a restaurant environment. She said the remote mic would work if clipped close to the speakers mouth. I would prefer a mic placed on the table that would pick up everyone at the table wo being overwhelmed with table noise, silverware, glasses etc. which is what she said the remote mic didn’t do well.

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No new posts on this item? My AuD will have one charged up and ready to demo tomorrow when we pick up our Evolv 2400 RIC R aids. It is most likely that my wife will find this quite useful both at work and at home. I look forward to being able to turn down the TV and have this little bugger stream it to her while it sits near the TV. I will report back what I find out.

I didn’t find the mic very useful in noisy situations with my wife wearing it around her neck. It does a good job of picking up her voice but also any surrounding noise. Also if she moves any at all the rustling sound is very loud. Then the HA’s are also picking up the unwanted noise. If I turn the volume on the aids down I can’t hear my voice correctly. After a couple of try’s I gave up using it to hear my wife better in noisy environments.

Now using it as a tv streamer is a much better experience. It has more volume than the dedicated tv streamer and I can clip it right in front of the center channel speaker and that helps cut out all the background sounds they seem to be producing these days in shows, movies and especially sports.


Have you tried the table mic? You might find that better?

I haven’t. If the HA’s have to be turned down to decrease the background noise, then I don’t see any kind of separate mic working for me. I guess it would if I didn’t have to speak.:smirk:

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That’s understandable.


Using it as remote microphone is useless as you will keep hearing the original voice and the voice from the microphone. Which is much distracting.

However, I have found them useful as a Bluetooth devices as they can pickup audio for a Bluetooth streaming dongle and play it to my hearing aid.
There is also another functionality which is streaming from any Audio Jack. Unfortunately it didn’t work for me and I am planning for next visit to Audiologist for this.

Battery is only lasting for 3 hours, not sure if only mine is damaged or is this the norm.

I have the romote 2+ and it has it’s uses but not to my satisfaction. I recently got the Starkey tablemic and find it more useful so far.