Anyone use CapTel APP on their mobile phone for easy-to-read captions? In the past most closed captioning on mobile phones were no where comparable to CC on hard line phones. Hard line connection being way better. Just wondering if Hamilton Mobile Captel has improved their CC service and if so - how much on cell phones.
I haven’t tried them recently. I did a few years ago and was disappointed.
I now use Innocaptions. I love it. Works really well for me.
I will certainly look into Innocaptions, thank you. I have been using the Hamilton CapTel application for less than a day and am EXTREMELY excited about it. I am not using it on my cell phone as you might think. I use it from a laptop as an application in my browser. The reason for my excitement? For decades I have been unable to have a phone conversation with my siblings. I used email and texting. I was able to talk to my sister last night using the Hamilton application. This is a real life changer for me.
The next morning, I was able to call the the local office of a physical therapist to setup a series of appointments for the next two months (17 appointments in all). I could not have done this before. I was limited to email and texting and using an operator assisted IP-RELAY call. The complexity of 17 individual appointments would also have made it impossible for a relative to schedule them on my behalf.
I highly recommend the Hamilton CapTel app.
That is great news !
Like you, up until I started using innocaptions, I never talked on the phone.
I had my husband make all necessary phone calls.
I always used texts and emails.
I can also use innocaptions with my desk top computer.
One feature I like, is not having to change my phone number.
That was a win win for me.
Recently, my husband has been diagnosed with Parkingsons and it has affected his memory.
He can no longer make the phone calls like he use to.
Innocaptions has been a life saver for me.
I was able to take over making the everyday phone calls that needed to be done.
Without Innocaptions, I don’t feel I would have been able to accomplish this.
Good luck with Cap tel service. It is a great service.
So good to hear (no pun) that I am not alone in needing to make captioned phone calls. I bookmarked Innocaptions in case something should go wrong with Hamilton CapTel. In addit ion to email and texting, I made extensive use of IP-RELAY. It was originally supported by Sprint, and later T-Mobile. The downside of IP-RELAY was calling a customer service phone number where you might be in a wait queue for a long, long time. I always felt guilty keeping the relay operator waiting with me. I noticed the similarities between IP-RELAY and Hamilton CapTel right away. It was like I was now my own relay operator.
I noticed that Innocaptions does not mention use of the application from a personal compute on their HOME page. Hamilton CapTel is very similar. The app is installed on my cell phone, but I don’t use it there. I find it too confusing watching the cellphone screen for captions, holding the phone where I can speak into the mic and moving the phone near my hearing aids with their T-coil.
I already boost the volume on my personal computer so that I can hear with a headset. Being able to use the computer’s audio output, microphone and screen with the Hamiltton Cap Tel app running in a browser worked perfectly for me. I imagine the setup for Innocaptions is similar.