Anyone tried REXTON REACH hearing aids? Are disposable battery versions coming?

Hey everyone,

I’m considering getting the REXTON REACH hearing aids, but I’d love to hear from anyone who’s used them. How’s your experience been? Are they comfortable to wear, and do they provide good sound quality?

Additionally, does anyone have any information if REXTON might release a version of the REACH with disposable batteries?

It would be really helpful to know before I make a decision.

Thanks in advance for any insights or advice you can offer!

I don’t have the Reach yet. I’m still waiting for it to get to Costco, but its predecessor the Bi-Core is excellent and the reach is built on its technology

The Rexton Reach is a rebranded version of the Signia Pure Charge&Go IX. Identical. Another poster who has the Signia IX loves it. Check comments from Morgan1946 in the link.

The previous generation of both the Rexton (Bi-Core) and Signia AX did have a battery version, which is encouraging. However, the Signia Pure C&G IX has been out since last September and so far no battery version. So, I wouldn’t expect anything soon from Rexton since they always lag behind Signia.

have always been anti rechargeable but since I get my aids from the VA we agreed they would be returnable for the 312ax if recharging was a problem. I’ve kept a daily log and I average between 16 and 18 hours with lots or TV via their TV connector or Bluetooth from my Fire. Never have been lower than 60%. I get 3 full recharges from the mobile chargers before it needs charged.