Anyone experience hearing loss after Covid vaccination?

I am sorry to disagree with you I gladly took the shots with the knowledge that I still could get the virus which I never did. I was told up front by my doctor that I still could get the virus but it wouldn’t be as bad as it could be if I didn’t get the shots. Yes I know the media was lying every time that they said anything about the virus. I got the shots so I could freely continue my life. It was my passport if you please to not having to be a hermit like so many were. Also, I never wore the face mask except for going to the VA clinic. But I don’t live in a town or city, I enjoy country life and traveling to forest trails and hiking the hills and around the beautiful lakes in this country.


My hearing was noticeably worse after catching Covid itself. it recovered when I recovered. Trying to remember back, my hearing could have been one of the first effects of Covid?
I had a couple of injections before, and one since. All with no side effects other than a slightly sore arm at the injection site for about a day or two

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I would like to add, regarding my tinnitus onset during pneumonia, that the very first time I noticed the ringing was the night after I was first dosed with sulfanilamide. The sulfa also gave me hallucinations; I saw spiders everywhere, even with my eyes closed, and I was crying out in fear. Since then I’ve always told my doctors that I’m allergic to the stuff.

The facts are indeed, the facts.

The thing that always gets me is. . . as someone who grew up in a medical family and went through a doctorate degree in the sciences, my extended social group is largely made up of PhDs and medical sorts. The PhDs in particular tend to be independent thinker types and certainly the ones with science degrees have the educational chops to appropriately assess the relevant literature. And they are all vaccinated. The explanation of this for the vocal anti-vaxxers seems to be that either that: 1) They are naive idiots and sheep, or 2) they are all in on a conspiracy. This seems like a wild sort of arrogance to me to just assume that all of these highly educated scientists are idiots whereas the anti-vaxxer found all the information they needed to ‘know the truth’ on substack, often from groups selling $1000 ‘vaccine-detox’ vitamin kits.

No one of any note said that in my neck of the woods. They said things like “the vaccine offers a 98% reduction in severe illness in death and as a happy side bonus appears to reduce transmission of the current strain of covid (then delta, iirc) by 75%”. But I assume you’re American. I’ve certainly seen some wild claims in the American media, and I would agree that humanity has an ongoing problem with outrageous headlines in the media generally, propelled click-bait culture and how search algorithms are managed, etc… This is also how things like, “covid vaccine causes stillbirths!” start to fill up your particular news consumption, I imagine. Media transmission of new science is also regularly poor, and has been since long before covid.


This is the big reason I have taken all the vaccines.
I mostly took the vaccines for other people.

Thanks for sharing.


I mean, note that that transmission effect is dramatically reduced in the face of omicron. Back in August, after a booster it was about 53%. To me, who works regularly with seniors, the population at the highest risk from covid, that still seems like a lot.

The OTHER thing that bugs me about anti-vax propaganda, while I’m sitting here stewing about it, is that they grab hold of things like the identified risk of myocarditis post mRNA vaccine but fail to present the alternative. So, risk of myocarditis from vaccination in the highest risk group (men under forty) means that in a million doses of vaccine, ~40 men will get (and recover from) myocarditis–in all other groups the risk is much, much lower. However, in a million covid infections, 1600 will get myocarditis. So . . . :man_shrugging:

We don’t do facts any longer. Feelings seem be the new rule. Also seems like those that say, “Follow the Science” are usually the same ones that don’t seem to believe in basic biology 101, i.e., what a female or male is. I remember when the saying, “in America, you can be anything you want to be”, didn’t mean, I get to pretend and you all must go along with my delusions.
When govt pushes anti-biology propaganda while censoring and banning those that support biological fact, they create untrust all around. I work in a pathology lab, know the “facts”, yet still don’t believe a word of what my govt is saying because I don’t trust them… and with very good reason.

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My problem with all the anti-vax information coming out of the USA, is that most of it only makes sense if you lived in the bubble called the USA.

“Hospitals are getting kick backs from every COVID shot they give.” and all that stuff.

Well, if you don’t live in the USA, you can quickly see how this is fabricated as a scare method for people in the US, because other countries don’t have for-profit health systems :slight_smile:

The latest ba.4 and ba.5 sub-variants are no joke, people. The previous vaccinations will not cover you for these latest mutations because the mutation is on the spike protein. I’m in my mid 40s and it took me and my spouse out for a few weeks. You don’t want this, trust me :slight_smile: The first few days you will just grimace in pain with a fever of 39c+ (102f+.) It feels like you are dying and it’s not fun. Get the latest vaccination to protect yourself and don’t be like me and wait.

Take care of yourselves!


8 yrs ago I had my first ever Flu vaccine . I was a RN in a hospital and was “encouraged” to get it since I was a manager. I was 65. Within a 2 week span I went to profound deafness and suffered everything that goes with that. I was reported to VARS (vaccine adverse reporting system.) There was not 1 DR who believed that my deafness was caused by the vaccine after the million $ workup and alot of steroids which caused its own side effects. After contacting CDC they said that there was 350 reported cases of SSHL(single sided hearing loss) that yr which is low considering the # of flu vax given every yr,so when Covid vax came out naturally I did not get it. I was lucky I was not working any longer otherwise I would have lost my job as there were no exceptions. I am 73 now, do not take a single med on a regular basis. I believe in exercise eating right and let the body take care of it self. If the covid vax would prevent me from getting it I would probably go for it but saying it lessens the disease is false. I know others who have taken it and still got really bad cases of covid I am not against taking medication if necessary and I am not anti vax. I want alot more proof that something is safe AND effective before I take it.


Living in the USA bubble, you know that hospitals are indeed getting monies from the government for every reported case of Covid. Call it kickback or compensation.

That same bubble remembers that "big pharma " is responsible for the opioid and fentanyl crisis because they pushed doctors to prescribe them.

Inside that same big USA bubble is the fact that Pfizer & J and J are the most fined pharmaceutical companies in the world. Those fines are due to false claims of drugs contents, falsifying test data and a host of other issues.

J&J are in the process of a lawsuit for having secretly included asbestos in baby powder.

Always remember that the US government gave full immunity to these companies from any liabilities related to any issue with their covid vaccines.

Your family member died or was severely injured by side efforts of the vaccine? Too bad. You can’t sue the pharmaceutical companies.

Forgive me if I have serious doubts about what comes out of big pharma or the politicians mouths.


The evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective is overwhelming at this point. The vaccine may not keep you from getting it, but it will keep you out of the hospital. I’m sure you are very healthy. But keep in mind that one of the most relevant co-morbidities when it comes to covid risk is just age, which you cannot control. There are only two ways to build up immunity to this virus–getting a vaccine or getting covid. When you are deciding wether or not to get vaccinated, stop looking at the risks of the vaccine and start looking at the risks of the vaccine relative to the risks of covid. Contrary to what the anti-vax propeganda is pushing, covid is not a ‘nothing virus’, it is not the case that getting covid and recovering will leave you stronger.

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Happily, we have so much independent evidence at this point that the vaccines are safe and effective that you don’t need to trust big pharma.

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@Neville Sorry, but the covid vaccines aren’t safe, it is after all a personal choice, and there are safe alternatives to the covid vaccines, you just need to search in the right place.
If you want more info, check openvaers and see Dr. Peter A. McCullough substack’s and video on Joe Rogan…


I’ve listened to that interview. Sadly, you’ve been misinformed. Try checking out 98% of all other doctors and scientists. McCullough is shameful. And, if I recall correctly, vaccinated.

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But sorry, I shouldn’t let myself get drawn in. No one’s opinions are going to be changed here. This is why I said right off that this is the bed we’ve made and now we have to lie in it. It’s not like mistrust of government came from nowhere. It’s unfortunate that many more people will die than needed to, but that’s just our world.

Be sure you buy all the right anti-covid vitamins and untested supplements!

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@Neville Oh boy, seriously…

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You mean your opinion, not others, because other people are free to make up their own opinion?
You mean your bed not other’s?

Just to be clear, you are absolutely entitled to your own opinion, but you aren’t entitled to force it on others.
And the argument of 98% isn’t going to cut it, plenty of examples, see David and Goliath to name just this example.

I am not anti-covid vaccine, but anti- forcing it on people without due diligence.


I am also anti-forcing vaccines on people. Do you see me creeping into anyone’s houses at night and stabbing them in the arm?

But opinions are not all equal, frankly. And what do we do when opinions about public health issues that effect the entire community are being formed based on a pile of anti-vax lies being bandied about by “Brave Maverick Doctors”? I’m priviledged enough to be able to go back to the primary literature, but the majority of people don’t have the access or the training to do that. So what do I expect them to base their decisions on? And I get that people like stories about the underdog, or the brave whistle blower–I do too.

So which is it for you? Are the majority of vaccinated doctors and scientists naive? Brainwashed? Idiots? Or are they all in on some nefarious conspiracy?


Pfizer sponsors most everything in the U.S media, so why do think the complications people are experiencing are not headline news.


Right. And the effects go far beyond health. Inflation and supply shortages won’t end until Covid is whittled to something tolerable. We’d get there sooner if everyone would take the experts’ advice to wear masks. Alas, there are too many saying they’d rather die in a revolution than wear a mask at the grocery store. They’ll watch their standard of living continue to decline, and pretend that changing this or that politician can somehow fix the underlying problem of people refusing to act in their own best interest no matter how little is asked of them. I’m reminded of people who complain about the high cost of auto insurance, yet can’t be bothered to signal their intention to turn, or who brake first and signal later anyway when it’s too late to do any good. So we all suffer increased accident rates and resultant increased insurance costs because lifting a finger, literally, is too much to expect.