Anybody self program Phonak Brio or Brio 2

The Connexx Rexfit 8.3/Hearing-Instruments Tab does not show any Kirkland model Hearing Aids/HAs. Also, the Help/Programming-Adapters-and-Cables does not show any Kirkland model HAs. Yet, when you use the detect feature, the Kirkland model magically gets detected and selected as a Kirkland model. So it’s a hidden HA model until you use the detect feature, or until you select a client that had the Kirkland model already selected.

The Target 5.1/Instruments Tab also does not show any Kirkland model HAs. Furthermore, the Target 5.1 Help/Cable-Overview does not show any Kirkland model HAs.

So I expect that Target will react in the same manner. That is, Brio/Brio 2 are hidden HA models until you use the detect feature.