Any issues with changing Bluetooth control to Left hearing aid?

Bluetooth (BT) control on Right HA is the usual setup I believe, but it can be changed in fitting software.

My Phonak Lumity HAs have BT on the Right side and battery level goes down faster on Right side. I assume that’s due to BT. For me, the R-side battery drain is becoming more of a hassle, won’t last a normal day even with very little streaming. Perhaps this problem got worse because my Right battery is older (16 months - not very old - please take note Phonak!!).

My Left battery is almost new (Left HA replaced under warranty) and I’d like to switch BT control to the Left side. Are there any issues to consider before going ahead with this change?


I had the bt master on my audeo p90r HAs switched to left because my rt ear is worse. It makes sense it eats more battery to produce more gain. Even so, my rt HA is first to go now. The left was replaced last year while the right is over 2 and a half years now. It can be done and it might make sense for you to have it changed.



When streaming outdoors the bt signal is not bouncing off surrounding walls. In addition the body (head) is dampening the signal when in line of sight between phone and HA.
I usually keep my phone in my left breast pocket. Therefore I changed the bt master to the left HA to achieve a better connection.


Just execute the change in Target software.
After you changed in Target the master headset to the Left HA you have to go to the phone and delete the pairings and re-pair the hearing aids that the new setup will be logical assingned in the BT side of your phone


Thank you all!
I will try changing BT to Left (in Target) and then re-pair - fingers x’d - will report back after a few days.

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Maybe you also need to mark/set “Delete Pairings” (last option below)
Then after you save&close the session all pairings are gone

remove all pairings for the hearing aids in the phone’s bluetooth section
Repair the HAs after reboot


Thank you very much @firenzel for your super-clear graphic, very helpful. I did the change to BT Left and got everything un-paired and re-paired :smile:

It’s noted that the battery level on the right side may decrease faster due to Bluetooth use. In your case, battery drain on the right device becomes a problem, especially when streaming. Considering that your left battery is practically new, switching Bluetooth controls to the left side seems like a smart solution.