Annual Review--Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R's

Hearing test.
R. slightly better than last year
L. slightly worse than last year

Issues going in:
word recognition
word recognition in noisy environment
rechargeable batteries…overnight hospital visit I couldn’t hear; batteries don’t last long enough

Actions by audiologist
accommodated change in hearing.
changed receiver (would improve base he said)
made autosense the start-up program as I requested
saved my “calm/mask program” as next program
got rid of programs he had set up which I hadn’t used.
left the programs I had saved, but told me which ones I hadn’t used. (knew that)

Re-Actions by wife

  • you can’t hear
  • " every time you visit him you hear worse when you come home. he called Phonak. He should know his product". I didn’t survive that conversation. It’s an old one with many old wounds.

Frankly I’m feeling overwhelmed in this pursuit of improving my hearing using these aids. I just want them to work. They don’t.


I am sure this was a difficult day for you. I have had some challenging times but ironically the best results after being forced to start afresh with someone new (when the issue was not following the correct set up or lack of skill). Your hearing & well being is very important. It can feel very lonely when things aren’t going right. Dispenser skill levels vary massively. One thing missed can make all the difference.

If you have followed fitting advice and it’s not sounding good for you then pursue it. Ask to check everything again, then you can ask the dispenser to arrange for their technical support team to sit in on a session to check they are happy & for any advice.

You could try a new set up elsewhere and see how this compares.

Every time my hearing has dropped it’s been something fixable. If the dispenser hasn’t been able to sort it then Widex technical helped them. Sometimes it’s a change of fit, something adrift in the software set up or fine tuning. Trust your instincts & keep going, I know it can feel very difficult & lonely but it’s vital this works well for you-as every second it doesn’t you feel it. There are people out there who can help you.


Thanks so much!
You’ve helped.


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I’ve found a problem.

The Audi changed my receivers; first (?) to middle (?)
Used the same domes.

Now, if I stick my fingers in my ears, the sound is much louder. That wasn’t the case with the receivers and wires I had before. Sticking my fingers in my ears there was no change in volume.

Follow Up

He fired me after a year and a half.
Long story. But focusing on the positive

I now have a good setup from a hearing instrument specialist. I have power receivers.

My hearing is improving. It’s been about 2-1/2 years since I received the Paradise P90R hearing aids

For fun I just asked bingo copilot about occlusion

Occlusion in the context of hearing aids refers to the sensation of your ears feeling plugged or blocked when wearing them. It can occur due to the physical fit of the hearing aids, especially if they create a seal in your ear canal. The Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R hearing aids are designed to minimize occlusion by using features like Acoustically Optimized Venting (AOV), which customizes the venting based on your individual needs1. If you experience occlusion, it’s essential to discuss it with your audiologist to ensure proper adjustments and comfort. :blush::ear: