America Hears Virtual Office

I’ve had AH sie aids for over 10 years now. I have found the home adjustments very useful over the years and have been happy w/ the aids and customer service. They used to be very responsive, but now are never in the office during working hours. They have called me back twice while I was napping & phone off. My problem: I had to do a complete wipe of all files and programs, including Virtual Office & re-install of Windows 10 on my computer. The Am. Hears site doesn’t offer Virtual Office as a download anymore, only Lucid. My malware protection quarantined that. I got a call from China the next day (area code 86) ,message in Chinese,so I hung up. Does anyone have a link to the Am. Hears Virtual Office software, so I can adjust my hearing aids?

I also used AH aids for about 12 years … they were OK … but a year ago I picked up a pair of used phonak aids and a NoakLink wireless and started programing them.
They are very much better than the AH aids … no comparison!

I may have a copy of the software … I will look for it .

thanks, I would appreciate it. Where do you find working, used aids?

I do have a copy of AMHearsLucidHomeSetup_5.06.55.exe

I can send you a copy, it is 144 mig bites … PM me an email and I will see if I can email it to you

used aids can be forund on ebay , Market place … offer up… craigslist …

I think few if any email providers will accommodate a 144 MB attachment. If you have one of the cloud storage services it might be better to upload to it and then email (or PM) a link to the file.

let me know if that works for you :slight_smile:

Gray: I can download Lucid from AH, but can’t open it . I’m looking for their Virtual Office software

the link I gave you did not work ?

I don’t want Lucid. I want the old Virtual Office software

I don’t think I have that anymore … did you try the new one?

what program/app opens it?

The program I sent you a link to is an .exe file for windows, download it from Dropbox, after it downloads, then just click on it to run it, and that will install the America Hears programing software.

thanks for your help, but I found my Virtual Office install disk. Now, I can’t get my HA’s to connect. Light on AHPro 3 box goes out after a few seconds. Don’t know if box is bad or needs driver update, or what. both R &L HA’s connect partially on Office connect Icon…I can access all pages, so I think USB cable is good.

Gray G: do you still have your AHPRO 3 programmer and connectors?

yes I have the programer and cables … which aids do you have ?

I don’t recall model name, but they are behind the ear, speaker in canal, Connectors are flat, go in crack when battery compartment cracked open. About 10 years old, but kept in dryer bottle more than half that time, work fine. 77 yo veteran & I live entirely on SS, so don’t want to spring for new ones.

as a veteran you should be able to get aids from the VA.

You think the box is bad or the cables ?

probably the box, because it only stays lit a few seconds. Last I checked, VA would only provide testing.

the green light on the box goes out after a few seconds and both HA’s only partially connect. What do I do next?

are you sure you are putting the cables into the aids correctly … the cables are not reversable
Also try a different USB port