Hello. I’m a novice exploring self programming possibilities. Are there any cheaper alternatives to Noahlink wireless for the Cignia Pure 13 BT Primax hearing aids? and if so, can someone direct me to the exact hardware I need and where I can purchase it?
Look on page 116 Product-portfolio-catalog_2017-03.pdf
@vitelli30 Where you able to get the information you needed from page 116? If not, let’s walk through it. You need to learn how to read the manufacturer’s specs yourself. You can’t depend on others because it may not be their main focus to concentrate on specific requirements for this specific model hearing aid.
On Page 116, the second column is labeled “Pure 13 BT primax”. Near the bottom of the column under Accessories/Programming adapter/cable is shows size 13/Noahlink Wireless. That means you can program the Pure 13 BT primax either with a Noahlink Wireless wireless programming device, or with a Programming adapter, size 13.
A programmer adapter (also named programming pill) implies that you will need CS44 programming cables because the programming adapter cannot connect directly to a wired programming device.
A programmer adapter also implies that will need a wired programming device, namely a mini Pro/Hi Pro.
To find out which ones you need and where to purchase them refer to start-at-the-beginning-post above.
Thanks PVC. I really appreciate you taking the time to walk me through. My hearing aids will arrive thursday evening and I’ll begin the process of trying to program them myself. When the kids go down I’m going to read through the references you provided. You’re very kind. Tim