All Sounds Resonate. Voices sound like Donald Duck

Hi, new here so just reading a few threads. I have this although I describe it as sounding like a Daley ( if you have ever watched Dr Who you will know what I mean). Started after I had micro suction just before the pandemic started, I will never have that again that’s for sure. It comes and goes although I suffer a lot less these days. I am a musician(pro many years ago) and this has more or less ruined my pleasure of listening and playing music. The only thing that helps is to hold my nose and blow out my ears. From research I thought it was was a Eustachian tube problem but the hospital did some tests and said no. As all this happened during the lock downs etc actually getting to see anybody was difficult. I also get rattling in my left ear when I play the piano, it seems the vibrations set it off, I pretty much just try and ignore it these days but as a result I hardly play anymore (which makes me sad).
Sorry to go on, my tale of woe.

What HA’s do you have? I had the same/similar problem with my Phonak V90-UP’s.
(long explaination)

It was a problem from the start, massive amount of reverb. Replaced, rebuilt several times in my first year, then just gave up and dealt with it for the following two years. I got new HA’s last year (Phonak P90-UP’s) and sent the V90’s in for repair as backup. When they came back, they were completely reconstructed (so much damage from sweat), that all setting and programs were deleted.
When they came back and got switched on for the first time (as factory default), the reverb was all gone, until we put my previous setting on, and it was back. So we played (me & Audi). And we think the cause was the ‘SoundRecovery2’ function. Still researching.

I am still waiting for and iCube II to be delivered. So I can upload the current setting and check if I am right.

So, maybe if you have sound recovery of some sort, maybe the shift is causing the reverb for you?

Thanks for your reply. I have Phonek marvels. My description of the effect should read Dalek not Daley lol. Happens with and without aids so it’s my ears, most frustrating thing for me is it started the day I had microsuction , absolutely no issues before that other than the hearing loss of course.

I would prefer to never have that again. I wonder if those performing this have ever had it done to themselves? I found it freaking painfully loud.


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I just read your response. In my first post I stated that the best analogy to my hearing problem was voices sounded like Donald Duck. However, other analogy that I picked up from this forum is “Dalek” and “kazoo”. Like you, I can no longer appreciate music. It seems that a number of people on this forum (as well as other forums) have the same problem. The next step is see if anyone has gotten an opinion from an ENT or audiologist as to a more scientific name for this condition, what might be causing it, and whether there are any cures now, or in the future, that we can do further research.

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IF by microsuction one means, having a little vacuum inserted in the canal…Iv’e had that done a million times. My ears were re-shaped through several surgeries to address colesteotoma (sp.) issues. As such, they don’[t expel wax well, or too well! (it’s hard to explain). So I have to have a simple office procedure called a ‘debridement’ three or four times a year, where wax is removed from various cavitities.; Often the doctors will have to use a suction device. It usually causes spinning due to affecting pressure in the semi circular canal.
But the doctors know what they’re doing and I’[ve never had any after effects.

the fact that the valsava maneuver briefly helps the Dalek issue makes me wonder if the eustacihian tubes aren’t playing a role after all. But I’m no doctor!

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In a way its nice to know Im not the only one and there MUST be an explanation.