Air pods for pre-sleep use

Apart for my hearing problem, I have problems sleeping. I don’t want to wear the hearing aids (Phonax) at night as they usually need to be on charge during that time.
A sleeping aid is listening to music or better still a boring pod cast. Using a speaker disturbs my wife so I thought of a Bluetooth ear pod (such as can be found on Amazon by searching “Ear pods”.
Has anyone tried them for this purpose?
Headphones would be too bulky (I sleep on my side). Under pillow loudspeakers are generally somewhat expensive to use as a sleeping aid!

Yes, I have used a Bluetooth earbud in one ear (because I sleep on my side) every night for many years. Sometimes I need to give my ears a break from having something in them, so I bought sleep headphones from Amazon. It’s a soft headband with Bluetooth speakers embedded on each side. Search for sleep headphones and several choices should come up.

Thanks Kaytee. Just the answer I hoped for.

I have a pair of Jabra Elite 7 Active earbuds. I will wear them at night for tinnitus support listening to quite sounds. The Actives do not fall out
They last the night with ANC off.

They have an on board hearing test which helps especially for mild to moderate hearing loss.

There are several ways to get to this. I tried a bluetooth headband set that had little speakers over each ear. The sound quality was OK but the battery didn’t make it through the night, and I could probably have lived with that except that it gave off loud warning beeps as the battery was close to dying. It sounds like someone else has found a headband that works. Next I tried the pillow with speakers. This is available from the same company that I have other tools from, Sound Oasis. They list it for $50. I checked and the amazon price is the same. So shipping differences might make the difference. I’ve used it almost three years with my wife in bed who doesn’t particularly enjoy the sound my machine makes. I sleep with another pillow between the speaker pillow and where she sleeps to block the sound.

Best wishes.


Depending on your loss, Airpods can work pretty well as hearing aids for listening to streamed audio (only), because you can input your audiogram and they adjust for it.

I’ve also used them in noise canceling mode while sleeping to block out my husband’s snoring. Worked great! The only problem was that the battery doesn’t last long enough for a full night, so I’d get woken up by the beeps after about four hours.