Aggrevated with buds/ tips

Hi everyone! 1st post…
I am trying out a set of Rexton HA and the tips/ buds not only tickle, but as I wear them more than a hr it starts to get painful. The longest I have been able to keep anything in is 3-4 hrs and by then I ready to rip my ears off. I apparently have lots of motion within the ear canal like someone with TMJ, but I don’t have it. I have tried every pair available and every size. Round, open, tulip, double, comfort fit, non-allergenic and even just had a set of molded fit made with no success. My ear canals feel like someone is shoving their finger into. I’m just ready to call it a day. Does anyone have a sugguestion.
Thank you in advance!

I originally had custom moulds but they would not stay seated in my canals. I then tried power domes but they were not comfortable for all day wearing. I am now successfully using Oticon Grip Tips which I find to be very comfortable.

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Sounds like you need custom molds made correctly, soft silicone would be the way to go, Rexton/Signia have the click sleeve as well, possibly they may help as well.

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Gentlemen, thanks for replying. I will talk to my audi about the Octicon tips. I have tried the click sleeves with the same results. Also I probably didn’t give enough information on the custom molds. They were made to fit my outer ear in a clear material and they were inserted into the ear canal. Initially they hurt more than any other tip, the audi ground down and buffed them to where they barely fit into the canal. There was no relief. I have been told that my ear movement is more than most. So is this something that is common? Would another brand HA be the next option? I know Rexton is a popular brand but where are they in the tier list of a quality product?
Again thanks in advance for your replies.

You could certainly try another band of hearing aid. There is some chance that another band might sit slightly differently enough to help.

You might try tenkan’s suggestion of making a new mold using silicone.

However, I would wait a month or so to give your ears a chance to heal.

GEEZ Bforr!!! And how is that info even helpful to you? Are you supposed to change your personality and just keep it ZIPPED so your aids are comfy?

Ow. I totally empathize with your situation, cuz I’ve had identical issues over the 30-odd years I’ve worn aids. The old fashioned flesh colored plastic custom mold at least did NOT cause any allergic reaction. They were just fuddy-duddy UGLY! That’s the only option I had for my ITE aids ages ago.

With the RIE (or BTE if you have that) I get how audis want to make a custom mold with outer shell to hold the speaker inside the ear canal in place - but no matter what the material they use, it can cause an allergic reaction. If you can’t do a bean-behind-the-ear combined with thin wire and speaker IN the ear, then your options will be fewer.

If you just need a tip for the speaker, then I can vouche that the smoke-topaz colored, softer silicone POWER dome (looks like a Xmas tree with 2 layers stacked on top of each other) is the best for allergic reactions AND active facial articulation. I’ve now worn this kind of tip/dome for probably 15 yrs without much prob.

Well, yes, these domes will work their way out of the ear canal thanks to my overly active facial articulation, but I’m not ZIPPING it! The whole point of us wearing aids is to hear and interact with ENTHUSIASM to the world around us. So good luck finding a comfortable tip/dome that doesn’t make you want to rip your ears off (yeah, I’ve been there done that and even got otitis from these custom molds). Keep us posted!

Pain sounds like too large? They definitely tickle the first day or two, then again every time you change to new ones. On my first set i described it as a marble in each ear. You get used to it. I cant feel mine at all, either the in the ear part or on the ear part. So, shouldn’t be painful, and you will get used to feeling something in your ear.