Advocating My Hearing Loss

I have written and shared this post with my friends to improve our communication.
What do you think of it? Is there any missing point I can add?

Thank you!


Well written and should be very helpful to your friends and associates.


:+1:t4: :+1:t4: Great post. I wanted to print it but unfortunately the black background makes that difficult. But well written. I bet a lot of people will copy and use this!!


Well written! Thanks for sharing


For Raylock1… with the post open, do a CTRL-A to hghlight all of the text, a CTRL-C to copy, then in a new message or word processor PASTE WITHOUT FORMATTING to get the “clean” text. I am using Thunderbird but it will work with other programs and word processors like WORD. c!

For ZEEZA, thank you. c!


Great initiative and excellent writing, thanks so much for sharing this!
In addition to guiding your friends and colleagues, you’ve also given other HoH people a fine example of how to advocate for ourselves, much appreciated,

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Thank you all for reading and your kind comments!

@raylock1 Feel free to share, print or copy it! : )

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Well thought out. Hey, what’s a “receiver?” It’s a bit long, but here’s more:

“When we’re on the phone, please speak slowly and distinctly, but please speak with a normal loudness. Raising your voice overloads the line, and it splatters.”

Note that the word, “don’t” wasn’t used. “Don’t” is sometimes lost in the brain’s processing, and the wrong meaning happens.

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Well written and I can totally relate, but in my experience it isnt that others are uninformed, it’s that even when well informed, the next day they still communicate the same as always.


A receiver is something inside the hearing aids that I have to change it now and then.

I might make it short but I prefer that my friend read the full version.

Thanks for the tips, I will keep it in mind!

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I’ve had to have the receivers on my hearing aids changed a few times.Wires break. Then the hearing aid doesn’t wok.

The hearing aid sits behind my ear.
There’s a wire that goes between the hearing aid and receiver.
The receiver has a wax filter in it and a dome in my case. The wax filter can get plugged. Hearing aids don’t work.
Dome is essential. I found here that the dome I was told to use allowed sound to leak back out and my HA volume was really low.

So I start by putting the hearing aid behind my ear, and insert the receiver into my ear canal. and make sure that the wire is tucked away gently.

My hearing aids are Phonak RIC. Receiver in Canal. I have the medium power receivers. They come in 3 power levels.

Other more powerful hearing aids have a plastic tube that runs from the HA to the ear.

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Zeeza, excellent work! Clear and concise, not hostile, very useful if people understand what you’ve written and put forth some effort to take your advice.

I wish I had the patience to write and circulate something like that.

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Well that is lovely as a poem to read! Lots of thought went into this, and you covered ALL the key points. I just have a few minor edits for “Consonants Are Disasters”.

Perhaps the header could be: Context Brings Clarity

I can’t distinguish the sounds of most consonants. For instance, empathy and embassy sound exactly the same to me. Context is greatly appreciated even when you’re saying the word individually. Use the word in a sentence or please spell it out or write it down.

When I ask you to repeat a name or a number, please spell it out slowly or write it down. Pardon me if I caught your name incorrectly, please correct me gently.

Well that’s it! You sound like a very lovely and loving person. Blessed are those who you call friends. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for sharing your experience!

The Moments hearing aids I tried were RIC. This was one more downside to not having them. It gets very hot here and filters would get plugged quite often.

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Thank you, @1Bluejay!

I hope you don’t mind me using the header you suggested. I also made some changes to the paragraph.

I’m also blessed for having them as friends.


Well done. Well said.

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