Hello everybody,
first of all, I wish to thank very much anyone who can provide me with information about this topic.
I have few questions, since I was not able to acquire 100% sure information about this, so I prefer to ask in this new topic. Essentially I need to program Starkey CIC hearing aids, more specifically Starkey X series and 3 series (old models, in any case C-I-C).
I already have the Starkey Inspire 2018 software. What I miss now is the hardware. This should be, from the info I collected, what I need:
1 - Hi-Pro programming device (Hi-Pro 2 would be the latest version, but it’s way too expensive). I can buy for much less a used original Hi-Pro (older version), instead of the imitation “miniPro”. The price is the same, even lower for the used but working Hi-Pro.
2 - Starkey purple cable (pair)
3 - Starkey orange flex strips (pair)
Now the questions:
a) can anyone confirm me that the Hi-Pro would be ok to program the Starkey CIC 3 Series and X series hearing aids?
b) regarding the Starkey cable, I do not understand if I need specifically the original Starkey purple cable or if I can use even a similar non-Starkey cable. I found only one seller on Ebay of the Starkey purple cable, who does not ship this to my homecountry (I am not from USA). What solution would you recommend me?
c) regarding the orange flex strips, I guess that any of the ones being sold on Ebay could work (sometimes they do not specify the “Starkey” brand). Once again I have the problem that I found these only from US sellers, and they generally do not ship to my homecountry. Can anyone confirm me that any (even non-Starkey labeled) orange strips would work?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide me.