Verrrry intriguing! I have a problem that dates back to January when my audi xferred a corrupt file over to a couple pairs of rechargeables that had to go back to Phonak for new batteries.
Both sets of aids, the RIGHT aid squeals like a pig whose tail is being stepped on. The right aid squeal (I’m thinking it’s feedback) happens if anything comes within several inches of that aid. Left aid is NO PROB. If I turn the volume of my aids down so they hardly help, that RIGHT aid still squeals if I put a hand near it. Like the squeal is supercharged on that side.
Is this a “WhistleBlock” issue on the RIGHT aid only? What other areas could my audi look at to see why the RIGHT aid on these two pairs has so much more leaky-squeaky feedback? The silicone domes are the same for right & left aid, and the domes are seated snugly in my ear.
This thread is shedding light, but I wish I knew how to diagnose and fix this RIGHT aid feedback. I have an app’t next Tues with my audi to see what can be done.