A couple of issues with my Rexton hearing aids

First time hearing aid wearer. I was fitted with Rexton hearing aids from Costco to deal with my profound hearing loss in the high frequencies approximately 4 months ago.

I had several issues that were dealt with and fixed by my audiologist at Costco but she is unable to resolve my last 2 issues which are somewhat related.

Raised voices ,the TV and radio all sound like they are coming out of a 70s transister radio with a blown speaker. My ability to make out speech is as bad or worse than no ha’ s at all. Streaming from my phone and general conversation is perfectly fine.

My audiologist cannot figure out why this is happening. She does not hear the issue when she listens. I also let my wife listen and she doesn’t hear it either. It sounds fine to them.

The other issue is when I am connected to Bluetooth and I am fiddling on my phone, everytime I touch the screen my hearing aids adjust to a setting that I would love to keep. The static, crackly sound disappears. However it lasts for just a couple of seconds and then reverts back until I touch the screen again. So while I am on my phone the sound quality goes up and down incessantly. Very annoying.

My audiologist says that is something she can’t do anything about and seems to think it is an issue with my pixel 7 phone. My wife’s pixel 8 phone does the same thing.

I would love to love my hearing aids but so far I feel like it is not improving things at all.

I think I would download a frequency analyzer app for your phone and then go to this AI website and listen to AI generated voices to see if there are a couple of frequencies and loudness levels that are giving you problems.

Have you tried calling Rexton support for your Bluetooth issues? 866-212-0610.

Sometimes it’s as simple as removing the Rexton app. Reboot the phone. Connect your hearing aids to Bluetooth without the Rexton app on your phone. Then reinstalling the Rexton app.

Worst case, you can always return the Rexton hearing aids and try the Philips 9050 to see if it works better with your phone.

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Since this is your first hearing aids it can be difficult adjusting to hearing aids.

Sharing your audiogram would help us help you.

Which domes are your aids set up with? Blocking the lower frequencies can do the transistor radio thing sometimes.

You might try forgetting your aids on your pixel. Check for updates and boot the phone. Then go through the pairing process again. How many devices are paired to your Pixel? Make sure all Bluetooths are off except your phone. More than one on can mess up the Bluetooth signal to the aids.

Thank you for the suggestions.
I don’t have my audiogram but will ask for it next time I am in Costco.
I will go through all of the suggestions and get back to everyone with results. Hopefully something here will do the trick.
Thanks everyone
Appreciate all the help


Have you tried the Rexton Assistant in the Rexton app. It has several options to improve voice and speech recognition