5-10 db difference in some frequencies since last hearing test

Is a 5-10-ish db difference in a few frequencies between a previous in-situ (through the hearing aids) hearing test and a current in situ test typical or common? I was told it isn’t anything to worry about, and can be caused by a variety of factors. Should I be worried, and is there anything I can do to reverse that or is it just as likely to bounce back and forth a bit over time? what might cause this difference? I have access to the the software and don’t want to obsessively start testing daily. For what it’s worth my hearing loss was sudden - SSNHL - in the R ear (9 months ago) and in the L ear it was music/noise damage many years ago from being a musician/drummer. Thanks

My hearing has been dropping 5 to 10db every 6 months. Sensorineural loss will almost always progress. I personally wouldn’t worry about it, it’s just what happens.

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5-10-ish db difference is normal. Hearing tests can vary each time. Not necessarily meaning progression


what contributes to those differences? is there any way to manage them? Thanks!

I am not sure. My experience is tinnitus. My tinnitus causes some variations. Other than this, our diet, psychological state, even blood pressure may cause differences. A lot of factors at play.
I could be wrong though. Just my two cents


I just received an audiogram that suggests my hearing had improved. Thats never happened in the 20 years I’ve worn hearing aids.

Every experiment has a margin of error. I’m not sure how much that is for people giving hearing tests…


Follow Up…

I found a practitioner that knows how to setup my P90’s. They’re spectacular.

I needed to advocate for myself and find a replacement audiologist/practioner.



I’m glad you finally made it! I was surprised you were happy with the Paradise…

I met a hearing aid practitioner many years ago. His family business was a pizza shop in Mississauga. He worked in Windsor (4 hour drive away) selling hearing aids and setting them up.
He caught me trying to hear and said I could do much better…he quietly said I didn’t need the best. It was the setup.

my issue with the phonaks I used to have was I couldn’t hear behind at all. I work in construction. It’s life-saving having hearing aids that work well.

The audiologist-who-quit tried for a year and a half. I couldn’t hear in noise. I had real trouble in my real home even when close.

The new practitioner is incredible. He used the same audiogram (theres a good reason for that.)

I want to put my hearing aids in and be able to hear. I can. I am over the moon happy with the work done at this new to me business.

Why no audiogram? My hearing loss is due to exposure to loud noise at work. The plan is administered by the guvmint. They provide hearing aids and maintenance coverage. However, the necessity is to reduce cost for the population. I understand that. I shall be able to get new hearing aids in about 3 years. Who knows what will be available then. Surely it will be better.
