2024: tremolo/artefact/trill/flutter/warble with in ear devices

dear all
first of all thank you to all of you who so actively contribute to this forum. It is a blessing to discover I’m not alone with my seemingly odd request.

I’ve been trying new in ear devices from numerous vendors. they all seem to have the same issue: tremolo/flutter on clean sustained sounds or female/kids voices.
I’m also getting flanger type of sounds when listening to music from speakers.

I produce music - hence this is of great importance to me.

I know the topic has been amply discussed but I wanted to ask what solutions you’ve come up with so far.

Probably an artifact from the feedback control. I had the same experience with Philips 9030s: loud kids would trigger the sound you describe. My Signia 7ax aids don’t have the artifact, so not all aids do it.

ETA: Welcome to the forum!

Hello Mr. Coconut
I’m familiar with what you’ve described, and it’s come up quite a few time in the past. Robsporny’s response seems spot on, but what was not mentioned is that most modern hearing aids can have an alternate program created by your fitter, often named Music, where the feedback control is reduced. It’s not necessarily a perfect solution, but it has helped in my case.

Not a solution but a bit of a workaround.

I find that the artefacts are significantly reduced if, when listening to or playing music, you turn the hearing aid gain right down to nearly off. You will still get most of the frequency boost you need.