2024 Starkey Genesis Review and Comparison

I recently upgraded my Starkey Evolve Ai to Genesis. Prior to that I had their Livo Edge and various Starkey in the canal hearing aids.
I really did not notice a huge improvement in past upgrades but then everyone with hearing loss hears differently.
In my opinion the Genesis is light years ahead of their other models.

To be quite honest I never really used Bluetooth on my hearing aids MY opinion was sound quality of Apple iPods was much matter. I did not have the best of luck with Bluetooth features connectivity range, phone calls etc. The Genesis aids have resolved those concerns.

I am hearing better, can reliably make phone calls without people complaining they can’t hear me and music streaming is as good as my iPods.

If by chance you can do a free trial I would strongly suggest doing so as you might be amazed !


Thanks @Lucky - interesting reading. How are they for you in a crowded environment? Are you able to have a conversation with an individual? Also, I’m interested in what music sounds like whilst wearing them - not streaming music through them but listening to live or recorded music with them on.

I had the Genesis AI 24 CIC Wireless with Power Receiver (312 batteries) for a couple of months, the Bluetooth connectivity was great, they were genuinely small, but as they only had one microphone I really struggled with speech in noise, even with Edge Plus mode, because of this I returned and going to try ITE version with the twin mikes, the reason I am persevering is because I trialled the Evolv’s ITE at the beginning of my new aid search and in my opinion the Evolv’s had the best speach in noise I experienced, the only reason I didn’t keep them was that the Bluetooth on these was truly rubbish, since then I’ve trialled Phonak Lumitys CIC’s with ultra receiver and custom ear moulds, I was not impressed, Jabra Enhance Pro 10’s ITE’s, these were pretty good but to big, then tried Oticon Real’s followed by Oticon More (I think ITE), then Philips 9030’s ITE, nothing was any good with Speech in noise, so I am hoping the Genesis ITE’s are going to do the trick, fingers crossed…

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Glad they are working for you. I trialed them twice (Genesis 24 RIC). Some very good features including battery life and app. Actually, speech in noise was pretty good. Edge mode was great. The problem I had was noise in every day listening environments. Was a constant background hiss. Worked with three audiologist and a very good person with Starkey. They admitted to the problem, but had no solution. Hope you have good luck.

No kidding? I am on my first ever pair of hearing aids trying out the Starkey Genesis 24 and the bluetooth streaming of music is simply terrible and in no way compares to any one of my 4 different brands of earpods include Apple, Beats Solo, OWC Pro or Soundcore. There is nearly zero bottom end and I’ve tweaked the settings as much as possible.

Maybe I have a defective set of HA’s?

Probably not. If they are your first aids, you’ve probably got open domes. Bass that sounds like bass only becomes a possibility if you have occluding domes or custom molds. Otherwise the bass just escapes the ear canal.

I would take the opportunity and ask if there is chance that Genesis will get the new LE Audio?

I have had my Genesis Ai 24 RIC for a few months now and have never experienced this background noise. Sorry to hear they did not work out for you as they are an extremely good aid.

Most of my hearing loss is high end and pretty profound. Again everyones hearing loss is different. To me they are just as good as my iPods but 30 years ago I remember how well a Harmon Cardon receiver and bose speakers sound. Music will never sound as good to me as it did years ago however compared to all my previous aids this is the best sound to me. Streaming or on the car radio.

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UPDATE: After one week, I visited my Audiologist for followup adjustments. The low end frequencies were increased and now streaming music from my iPhone 15 Pro from Spotify is fairly decent. Bass frequencies will never be like Air Pods as the small receiver and tuiip style tips can only do so much. But, I’m much happier now. The overall sounds are more natural and not as sharp and jarring now.

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Glad to hear it’s working better. I did notice I still get dropout on streaming when out for a walk. Phone in right front pocket left ear cuts out. Phone in left pocket right ear cuts out. Same as last 2 pairs. Not sure why ?

I have now got the Starkey Genesis ITC with UP Receivers and have been in general really happy with them.

Speech in Noise was great whilst I was on a Cruise and I was only fitted with the aids 2 days previously and was really happy.

The Bluetooth connection in general has been good and streaming calls worked well.

The only slight negative was there was a lot of wind noise BUT this was on a cold, windy and rainy day in Iceland so maybe to be expected.

The only other negative was that battery life was down to about 15% after a full days wear, but I suppose to be expected with UP receivers, but these Aids are supposed to get 32 hours wear but obviously that depends on individual circumstances…

The only other issue I am having is that the push buttons control volume up and down (left and right ears) and long 3 second push turns them off, whereas I was hoping they could change program, and perhaps a 5 second push will turn them off, I will check if this is possible in my next meeting with the Aud as I am only just back from mentioned cruise…

I am still having problems with Bluetooth streaming cutting out during music. With phone in left front pants pocket right ear cuts out. Phone in right front pants pocket left ear cuts out. This is on the livo , evolve and now genesis models. Three different models iphone same issue.

Starkey supports solution is for me to buy pocket tshirts and carry the phone in that pocket. Not disrespecting anyone it is their response to my support ticket.

I am going to keep after them for a solution rather than a workaround. We will see.

I think this problem is not just for Starkey HA’s but for a lot of manufacturers, my new Starkey I can be a few rooms away and still get a signal but when I put phone in jeans pockets I had issues on the CIC pair but will test out today…

My advice like Starkey is why not get a neck pocket for your phone? Or arm pocket?

It’s not great but if the aids are performing great in every other way surely a work around would be worth it for better hearing?

I for example am itching to try Oticon Intent but prefer in ear HA’s so I am persevering with Starkey for this reason as they have their full range of HA types from day one… whereas Oticon probably won’t have an in ear version out for perhaps a couple of years…

That should be a huge warning sign for Starkey Genesis HAs. I am now trialing the Phonak Lumity 70’s and the hearing experience and BT connectivity far exceeds the quality of the Starkey Genesis.

The sound quality is much more natural sounding whereas the Starkey Genesis were more of an amplified sound. I cannot say enough good about the Lumity’s regarding the BT connectivity. I can carry my iPhone in any pocket I want, including my back pocket, and get solid connectivity with no dropouts.

Any day, the ActiveVent receiver should come in and I will give that a try. Basically a ‘piston’ opens and closes depending on the sound, music:closed for better low end sound and open for non-music sounds.

If you can, I highly recommend trialing the Phonak Lumity HA for a much better experience. FYI, my next trail HA will be the Signia.

Have you considered a fanny pack worn in front or a lands end fleece vest with side pockets. Depending on the weather I wear both and I can stream well with my hearing aids (Jabra EP 20s). I do not feel safe with my phone in a pants pocket anyhow. I hope you find a solution to your music streaming issues.

You are just looking at your HA as a music listening ear pods, not evaluating HA as a HA. Maybe you do not need HA, instead get AirPods for their audio application and you’ll not complain?

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I think classifying an honest evaluation as “complaining “ is rather harsh. Sorry you interpret it as such.

I have now trialed 3 different brands and Starkey lands at the bottom in regards to that feature. Phonak is far and above much better but Signa was also ranked along with Starkey on that feature.

If I can find a HA that provides great hearing and provides a good air pod experience then why not. Phonak comes close so it is possible.

Next I will trial Unitron then the new Phonak Sphere Infinio

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I bought a brand new car and the Radio doesn’t work nor does the air conditioning. I suppose I roll down the windows and learn to sing rather than “complain” ?

I don’t think expecting a expensive product to work as advertised is complaining. Anyone else ?

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@Lucky I’m very happy with my Genesis HA’s including the Bluetooth, we all have a right to our opinions, and I am sorry it does nor work as you expect but maybe you need to revaluate what is most important to you, if Bluetooth over hearing well is what you rate as your highest priority, I can only wish you the best of luck in your search, just to clarify in my own search I trialled most HA’s in the past 14 months, and Phonak came near the bottom but that’s just my own POV… Kind regard Ian