Thank you @KerBear, I am glad you found a way, I enjoyed reading part of your journey, it is very uplifting Personally, I am at that point, where functioning in this hearing world has just become too stressful… My hearing appears to be rapidly going downhill, I have only got about 16 months till I retire, so I am going to cut and run, and retire on the grounds of ill health, I have other underlying health conditions, I work with some rather challenging clients, within the Scottish Criminal Justice System, I take the bad boys and girls out to do work in their community, 95% don’t want to be there, but they do not want to go to jail… Basically, if our clients behave badly, the courts are empowered to send them to jail, but because of the actual cost involved, they rarely do this, they get sent back to us with a proverbial slap on the wrist, we have no carrot or stick, and working full time with up to 5 challenging clients each day, takes its toll on your stress levels, with my hearing almost gone, I’m jumping ship, for a less stressful existence… Take care, cheers Kev