

I first started wearing HA’s in Jan 2005. I took a contract in Asia to manage a 14 country implementation project. My first meeting with my team (from all over Asia) was held in a conference room in Kuala Lumpur with a very noisy air conditioning system. Couple that with foreign accents and the fact that half of them were connecting through a conference room speakerphone, and I quickly realized that if I didn’t do something about my hearin, I’d never be able to execute my contract.

When I got back to Singapore, the first thing I did was hunt down an audiologist, and thus began my love/hate relationship with hearing aids.

I’ve had 5 pairs over the years… killed one pair when I dived into the pool at an alcohol fueled post charity golf tournament extravaganza, lost another pair, had to buy new HA’s when I came back to the USA… no support for my brand… then a pair of Resound’s from Hearing Aid Express… one failed and these clowns wanted to lease me new HA’s, and finally my Costco KS9.0’s.