My teen and young adult years were consumed by rock concerts. Growing up in the Los Angeles area in the 60's and 70's gave me access to the era's great bands and musicians.  I've seen most all of them at least once. I also lived to play music, and it was not classical or jazz, spending most of my day practicing and a lot of nights playing in front Marshall and Fender stacks. I have earned every bit of my hearing loss.

First real symptoms became noticeable in the early 90's with the onset of pretty intense tinnitus which has persisted and grown more intense. At that time I had hearing test that showed high frequency notch but there was no mention of hearing aids or support. 

Fast forward to July 2019, I finally decided to get another hearing test. The audiometry results didn't mean much to me until I came to hearingtracker. What a world of education. I now understand why I have become avoidant of social situations, have extreme difficulty at work, completely avoid meetings to the point of panic and questioning my cognitive ability, no longer go to social events with friends, and have found noise just down right unpleasant. 

I have only mild-to-moderate loss but the life impact has been extreme, and I had no clue. Looking forward to becoming an active member of this community.