Xander Captioning Glasses Are Here

There are multiple issues, but the most important one is latency. You basically cannot have any additional in this application. You would have to send it, process it and receive it, introducing significant delays,
There’s slew of AI gadgets which just came out and latencies introduced by external processing are a major issue.
Wireless connectivity can be really shoddy in congested areas too.


I tried glasses connected to my IPhone but found them to be cumbersome. It wasn’t convenient having the wire to my phone and I needed two converters to connect. I have not found any with bluetooth yet.

  1. They can provide prescription lenses but told me it would take longer to deliver them. I was able to use stick on lenses to make them bifocals so I can read menus, use my phone, etc while using the glasses. These stick on reading glasses are available on Amazon and are inexpensive.
  2. Conversations cannot be downloaded so they are not saved. Sometimes I use my transcription app on the phone in addition to the glasses so I can review the conversation later.
  3. The power bank is simply a usb connection to an outlet so it cannot be used for recharging. It does seem to work ok if I connect it to my own external power bank but I was told the glasses might overheat and effect performance. They are working on this.
  4. There is no fitting but you can adjust the nose bridge yourself. I have not found this to be a problem or issue.
  5. It comes with the cable and a usb brick for recharging. The external mike also needs to be recharged with the same brick. You get everything you need.
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Thanks for your response. Very helpful.