Will AI Hearing Aids be Boom or Bust?

Microsoft just installed their new Co-Pilot on my windows. Here is a joke their AI created for me.

Created by Co-pilot,

“Here is a joke that I came up with based on the web search results:
What do you call a fish that works in an office?
A clerical. :fish:
I hope you and your coworkers find it funny. :blush:

I think AI is the real joke.

AI can definitely be a joke if the creator of that AI is a joke themselves. AI is however good or bad it’s shaped up to be by its creator. It’d be a shame to make a sweeping conclusion based on anecdotal observation.

Even if we limit AI to the scope of the hearing aid discussion here, some of the hearing aid AI implementation can be a joke (just for the sake of marketing), and other AI implementation can be so so, and others may have better impact.

If anybody followed the Whisper threads that existed on this forum before it went bust, some of the forum members who tried it out seem to think that its AI implementation was impactful enough for them to be a positive thing.

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humor is not going to be one of AIs strong suits. Nor love poetry, nor poetry in general based on what I’ve read so far. Nor compassionate words for someone who’s suffered a tragedy two hours ago. Someone earlier in the thread wrote that we “have not yet copied” intuition or emotions or spontaneity into AI, suggesting this will soon follow. I highly doubt that.

We take having bodies for granted. AI has no idea what that is all about. Humans spontaneously embrace a child who’s crying, or an adult for that matter. AI cannot nor would do that—it lacks the fellow feeling that makes this so immediate to us humans.

When we speak of AI “learning”, it’s important to recall that we’re speaking by analogy, metaphor. AI has no consciousness. It has no experiences. It doesn’t ‘learn by experience’. But we’ll be sold new devices on the premise that it does. AI can run algorhthyms on silicon chips. It can be programmed to clap time; it can never dance. Dancing implies joy or sorrow or a dozen other things. Dance is an expressions of our inner feelings, our experience. AI has none of that.

AI may make hearing aids perform better! I hope so.

Have a read of this, I dunno if this is scary or “mad scientist” stuff but AI is going to be a lot different then we think… maybe


From the linked article: “This “continual lifelong learning” means machines can acquire new skills without compromising old ones, adapt to changes, and apply previously learned knowledge to new tasks”… ummm, that’s what humans do as a matter of course.

I dunno. Growing brain cells in a petri dish is a long way from human intelligence. Still. who knows?

Yeah but AI is going to do that as well…and growing brain cells on silicon is the first steps.

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