Widex Moment Sheer, PureSound program

I’m fairly new to hearing aids. I just purchased a pair of Widex Moment Sheer aids, after trialing some other aids (Kirkland Signature 10.0, Signia Pure 3AX and 5AX, and ReSound). I really like the sound of the Widex PureSound program, but I remember reading somewhere (on the Widex site I think) that PureSound is for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. My hearing loss is mild to moderate up to about 4000 Hz, and moderately severe above that. (I’ll attach my audiogram if I can figure out how).

Is there any reason I shouldn’t be using the PureSound program? It sounds really good to me.

Audiogram_Fall2022_Cropped.pdf (425.4 KB)

(My audiogram.)

I think you are good there. What’s the problem? It covers your hearing loss up 4khz. I don’t think it will impact speech understanding…

Here’s the fitting range recommended for Puresound. It looks like you’re a good candidate to use it. To quote Widex, “…there may be situations where the more processed sound via Universal may useful,” so try it and see if you like it and in what situations.

I’m not in the fitting range but I’m getting new Widex aids next week and am looking forward to seeing if it works for me–probably in quiet environments at best.


I have a pair of Widex Moment 440 HA’s.

I tried the Pure Sound program but in my case it was not suitable as my hearing loss is greater and outside the design parameters for that program.
I found that, quite simply, it was too quiet and I was unable to turn up the volume. So I got the program deleted.
If the Pure Sound program gives you good results then just use it - but compare it to the Universal program

I find the Comfort program worth a try. It seems to identify the loudest sounds and minimize the rest. Perhaps not the best for all round use, but it has it’s place

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I have Widex Moment 330 HAs. I have the PureSound program as my default because it has no “floor noise” ssss sound unlike programs with more digital processing.
I also enjoy the Comfort program as it minimises “percussive” sounds, e.g. clangs, bangs, shrieks,yells, etc. Very good when you are around toddlers and young children.


Thanks for your replies! I’m still enjoying the PureSound program, but the Universal program is great also. (I have the 330 model.)

Thank you for this! Where did you find the information about the fitting range for PureSound?

Scroll down a bit for the fiitting range: https://www.widexpro.com/en-us/campaign/us/moment-puresound-zero-delay/

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I’m trying to understand that chart as it relates to my own audio gram. If I’m understanding it correctly, pure sound wound not be a good fit for me due to my loss at 1500-4k Hz?

Your whole hearing loss needs to be in the blue range.

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I think you’re reading that correctly. Your loss dips below 40dB at around 1000 Hz, which would mean you’re not in the fitting range.

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I’ve had my new 440’s for almost two months now and I like using Puresound when I’m in a quiet environment like when I’m at home. If I go out I switch to Universal or one of the custom programs I’ve created. I’m way outside the fitting range but I still like it when the listening isn’t too demanding.

I agree with this. It does look like OP is in the fitting range.