Rechargeables have already won the market, and will improve to satisfy all wearer needs, so the 13/312 debate is a little like the “best buggy whip” debate.
I laughed so hard at this. Omg, what a funny line… Regardless of what one thinks of small vs large batteries and rechargeables. Thank you for the morning laugh .
Oh my yes …
Just like how the flip phones have ALL been replaced , he said,
reading, quoting and replying from his rubber armored , waterproof, industrial grade sonim internet capable flipphone… which btw goes a week between charges (unlike the smartphones in the house) and has a replaceable battery ( unlike any of the smartphones).
There continues to exist, and probably always will, a market for such devices with replacable batteries.
I have purchased THREE PAIR of self programable, lexie hearing aids that use 312 batteries, getting 5 to 7 days out of a set of batteries.
Why 3 one may ask? Because they work very well for my moderate loss, are self programmable and self tweaking, I got them at less than 1/4 list price as “trial returns”, and experience has taught me two things:
Always have a spare because
“Two is one and one is none”
“ if I really love something they will probably stop making it”
Rechargeables have won the hearing aid market.
Smartphones have won the mobile phone market.
There are outliers.
The majority of sales are rechargeables. But Phonak decided it was worthwhile for them to make a conventional battery version of Audéo Lumity, after first releasing it as rechargeable-only. Hopefully Oticon will follow suit with the Intent.
Ah My Dear Don
You have nailed it!
Now that I understand that I am an Outlier
That explains everything!
that’s a little like saying the loser of a footrace won because his intentions were better than the winner’s.
Eventually, yes…rechargeables will get there… and eventually some other power source will knock lithium rechargeables off the top of the hill too…but none of that has happened yet
In the mean time what we are seeing is a trend to artificially place the losers into the lead forcefully because intentions are “good” (and sometimes it’s about the “$” too). We are seeing it in the hearing aid world and other places too
bradw, I agree with you. My previous aids, Resound Linx 3D, used the 13’s. These new Oticon Real’s use the 312’s. The 13’s were not an option. Not only do the 312’s not last as long, they are harder to handle. It’s a dexterity thing. It’s harder to hold to get the tab off and seem to fall out of my hands more often.
The market is the market, people making independent decisions.
Yep. When I look around my house it seems everything is going rechargeable: my laptop, cell phone, Dyson stick vac, toothbrush, its UV sanitizer, Water Pik, vanity mirror, o’course my Phonak aids & Roger mics.
Now we need these rechargeable batteries to last LONGER. No idea how that will happen - especially in the area of hearing aids, as they are so small. Maybe Phonak will come out with a solar-powered version, charged up throughout the day by our wearing a giant sobrero of solar panels?
My goal is to find aids to get me through 36 hours - enough for a long international flight, clearing Customs and a ride to the hotel, where a wall socket will accommodate my charging base. I’ll be traveling with two pairs of these aids + bases so I have a backup on hand. More gear than a small pack of size 13 batteries, but that’s our new reality.
Minimally get the charging case with the 3-day backup power pack on it. I’m on a long three-day weekend right now and I find it convenient not to have to bring my chargers plug along. Just one for the cellphone. Otherwise I would pack my extension cord with multiple plugs in it which I used to do when I used amplified Jabra earbuds.
Absolutely! I always travel with my two pairs of rechargeable Life aids, ONE charging base + power cord to swap them into AND a pair of older Marvel battery aids with 13 batteries to last a couple weeks.
This is my kit for domestic, USA travel! If I travel internationally where power standards aren’t the same, I feel MUCH safer with the older Marvel aids. Bummer, cuz they aren’t as good as the Lumity Life aids, but for a trip of 3-4 weeks or more, I feel nervous relying on just rechargeables with NO OTHER recourse if something goes sideways.
I hope your 3-day trip goes smooth and easy! Y’just never know these days with Mother Nature or some other factor tossing a curve ball into the mix.
The last time I changed the batteries in my M50-13T’s I used some sort of tool to punch the batteries out from the back side. They come out really easy that way.