Why are hearing aids so bad at doing the job they are made for?

I think a couple of folks have the right idea. The ear buds are removing a good chuck of the background noise with the noise canceling. So that’s part of the reason.

In my case urs, why? Because I pushed because i wanted my life back. I was raised to not accept what people say, I was raised to push to know for sure. I was also raised to trust my guts, or just that inter feel of right and wrong. I was raised to walk the path that no one else would attempt. You call it whatever you wish, i call it my inter compass.
My great grandmother and grandmother called it listening to my spirit’s guidance. It has lead me and guided me in the right direction my whole life.


I think i know why. We’re not the manufacturer’s client. The hearing instrument specialist is like a mechanic who fixes all makes of cars.
In our case, the hearing instrument specialst has to understand our hearing disability and has to setup the hearing aids before we get them.


Sure, i recommend you to start with understanding central auditory processing,
This paper in english talks a bit about without going too specific into what is central auditory processing

This paper also talks more about central auditory processing:
Unluckily is only in my native language, but any proble with translation, let me know.

Then you can start with papers like this one

i don’t have much time right now but if you want more.
i hope i doesn’t become a boring reading

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thanks so much! not boring at all