I have to revisit domes. I am currently using open domes, but they tend to slide out a bit, which I don’t like. One size up? With my audiogram, are open domes the right choice? For financial reasons, I am my own audio, so “go ask your audio” does not quite work for me.
Out of curiosity: What are “Grip Tips”? Half way between a dome and a custom moulding?
Thanks, @Zebras!
But what do they compare to, acoustically? Open? Bass? Do they work for BTE as well? Which (acoustic) situations are they used in? I guess I should have specified my question. As for generative search results… They are sometimes inaccurate, like recommending you put non-toxic glue on your pizza.
One grip tip has a 2.4mm vent and the other one doesn’t have a vent. There are two to choose from.
You can set the software to the right grip tip and see what it does to your settings. That’s what I did to my Step Mums Aids as she has the Opn 2 BTE.
Yes they’ll work with BTE as long as you have a thin tube.
With your hearing loss, I would use an Open Dome or Open Grip Tip, with a 2.4mm vent.
You can try different sized domes. Are you using the little retention clip that slides on your receiver? Open dome seems appropriate for your audiogram. I liked grip tips when I trialed an Oticon. Yes, kind of between a dome and a custom mold.
Retention clips don’t seem to work with my ear shape, they don’t allow the dome to sit properly in the canal.
IMHO, I would try the grip tips open.
It is easy to install retention clips the wrong way. here are videos for oticon and Phonak to help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vav7J02-s44&pp=ygUvaG93IHRvICBpbnN0YWxsIHJldGVudGlvbiBjbGlwcyBpbiBoZWFyaW5nIGFpZHM%3D
If they are installed improperly they will usually pull the receiver out of the ear after a while.