What will new Phonak Naida Lumity offer above/beyond Phonak Naida Paradise?

Glad to learn Phonak Lumity is now offered with 675 battery. But I’d really like to know what new Naida Lumity will offer in performance, speech clarity, dealing with background noise, etc. over what the Naida Paradise currently offers. I need to check but assume HA auditory chart range for both aids must be very similar. So if you not necessarily getting more power from the Naida Lumity versus Naida Paradise - what then would be reasons someone would purchase the newer power aid? Hopefully not because more “colors” are offered. Just joking.

It would be nice to learn if Lumity actually was a “small jump” in HA technology/performance versus just another new aid with a new name that promises what the old aid did, with a few minor changes that really don’t excite anyone. You know - like you’ll hear 5% to 10% better but that change might not be noticed by 70% of users, etc.


Still would appreciate responses but might of answered my own question.

Lumity is very similar to Phonak’s last generation (Paradise), but adds StereoZoom 2.0 and SpeechSensor, which together deliver clearer speech in background noise, according to Phonak.

Well if that’s the only (main) difference between two aids (and that’s currently stated for only the lower powered rechargeable battery Lumity), I’m not sure anyone should discard their current Naida Paradise aids for Naida Lumity. But if anyone is considering new power aids for the first time then it appears the Naida Lumity would be a better choice to buy.

For those currently using the Naida Paradise aid, I’d wait until 2025 for possibly a completely new power aid coming out. Since the Naida Lumity probably isn’t worth the costly short term upgrade.


@stevemink See:



And here:

And is it worth the upgrade from Paradise?
I will quote @kevels55 :

“Hi @Baltazard, it’s probably a slightly incremental improvement for the better, nothing earth shattering I’m sure, a little better clarity, slightly faster autosense, faster processor, maybe a faster connection speed to the app, improved Bluetooth perhaps, better understanding in noise…But all these things add up to an overall better hearing experience, especially for the severe/profound threshold, any slight improvement in clarity, is a massive improvement for us guys… You have to be within those threshold’s to understand! Cheers Kev :wink:

See here:

Also, not sure which one on this forum had experience wearing Paradise then moved to Lumity and found that Lumity is noticeably better than paradise, not sure if it was @JordanK


Just a word of warning, this forum sometimes moves slowly. A lot of regular posters are in the states, and some of these on the West coast, which is hours behind GMT.

It’s difficult to answer your question because the hearing aids have not been released yet and we don’t have anecdotal reports. I would agree with your assessment in that it does look like this is an incremental release and the layout in expenditure may not be worth it. It may also depend on your lifestyle needs - if you were young, socialising in noisy places, attending lectures etc, then the incremental gains may be crucial. However, if you are like me, 10 years off retirement, kids happy to be patient and repeat themselves, and already using Roger iN On assistive devices then the need to upgrade diminishes somewhat.

I kind of agree with you that something next gen would compel an upgrade. Even though there have been some very good reports of the Audeo Lumity on here.

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That’s what trials are for. You test out the new hearing aids to see if the improvements are worth the big investment.



In truth @Baltazard, I love technology, I also like the best, or the best that I can afford, I kinda like to stay ahead of the curve, and the more bells & whistles, the better! I don’t spend my money frivolously, and everything else is paid for, so I don’t see why not… It will be the same in 2 1/2 years time, or when the next iteration of Naida’s appear, I will have saved enough for those, so I will most probably get them too :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:


With back to back short trial with Lumity and then two weeks with Paradise I didn’t notice any performance difference, both were excellent, but then I’m not you with your ears. You’ll have to try them for yourself.

If power independence and/or extensive streaming use are major factors for you, that larger replaceable battery is a major consideration.

Here in the UK, I think it’s a maximum 60 day trial, paid up front of course… But the vast majority of hearing aid users, are used to the NHS system, in that, the NHS fit your aids, and that’s your whack, 9 times outa 10, once fitted, you adapt to the fitting, and not the other way around… Takes around 6 months for a follow up in some places… Hence why, I DIY, if needed… Cheers Kev


That may have been me. I have both models, and in my case at least, the Lumities are much better, otherwise I wouldn’t have bought them. I now use the Paradise for backups, and will take them with me on my travels.


Not much difference in calm situations where they use the same rationale - speech processing

Been waiting for my NHS retest since December 2022… Hoping for an upgrade on my 2017 era HAs (my spares as I have KS10s).

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