What do you take when travelling for 6 weeks?!

I’m actually making it to Sri Lanka with the help of a charity to volunteer for 6 weeks.

What would you take regards hearing aid items if you’re away from home and aboard for 6 weeks.

I’m not going to be near any shops as well. I’ll be located in a forest/rain forest.

First time travelling for 6 weeks so I’m a novice.

  • Definitely Ear Gear due to the humidity.

My traveling is much different than yours. I travel with a full cleaning kit with extra wax guards and backup aids and backup chargers. I also have portable backup battery packs. And my chargers have built-in batteries able to charge my aids 4 or more times. I always have a go pack ready for emergencies.


Will you have electricity?


No one can really comment until we know that.

rechargeable or replaceable batteries? I would imagine having a back up pair of Has would be a good idea.

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None, just power banks with solar.

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I use 675 batteries in my hearing aids.

great, take a bunch of back up batteries! (but you already know this.) Hmm. I was going to suggest a Jodi Vac or similar device for cleaning your aids, as well as a dryer. Neither of these consume much electricity.


Two years ago I travelled around SE Asia for 6 weeks, with my KS 10’s and Ambio’s. I took only wax guards, batteries, domes and cleaning kit. Heading to Japan and Hong Kong in November, only for 3 weeks, so will take the same.

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I travel a lot and agree with Barry , wax guards, batteries, domes, and cleaning kit. Bringing a Jodi vac and dryer on your trip would obviously be nuts.


How hot is it going to be? I was about to suggest power banks to run a D-Dry or something like that, but depending on the temperatures, sticking them in a jar with desiccant crystals might do just as well. But you’ll need a lot of desiccant, because it will get waterlogged quickly.

Spare tubes, molds, glue, etc.
Spare aids if you’ve got them.
cleaning kit (add a pin or needle)
whatever type of soap you use for the molds - don’t count on anything there being suitable
alcohol or travel alcohol wipes
Roger On and a spare if you’ve got one
power bank(s) and cord to charge the On (and some means of charging the power bank, if possible)
waterproof storage case for the aids and/or Roger (ziplock bags might work)

YMMV on cleaning the molds. I have to do it every 1-2 weeks or there are consequences, but it seems most others don’t have that problem. But just because it’s unnecessary in a temperate, climate-controlled environment doesn’t mean it won’t be necessary in a rainforest with no a/c. They’ll get a lot grosser a lot faster than they would at home. It might be worth bringing a D-Dry just to sterilize them, even if you don’t run the dry cycle.


I’m looking right now at the small plastic dessicant jar given to me by my audi, It weighs about five ounces and is an inch a half by two inches. Why would carrying that be “obviously nuts” ?I’m assuming SE Asia will be humid, but maybe its become a desert over the last ten years. As for the Jodi-Vac, fine, leave it and bring brushes and other items. I used to have my HAs cleaned for wax about every two weeks, before Jodi Vac. A wax clogged HA is "obviously’ worthless.

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Zebras I’ve just come back from a Europe holiday for 3 weeks. It’s not as hot as Sri Lanka though.
Humidity and moisture would be my big concerns while in that country.
So you will need a good reliable dry box.
The only different thing from my usual everyday requirements was pipe cleaners to dry out my tubes on my HA. This worked well for me.
Enjoy your time away Ruth.


Welcome to Sri Lanka - A very unique country.

Hot & Humid. Sometimes rainy & wet. Bring the following:-

  1. Power Bank
  2. HA’s drier & Dessicant plus an air tight plastics can.
  3. A spare HA’s ( Xceed + Naida )
  4. 4 x 6 - 675 batteries.& HA’s tube
  5. Good tissue & HA’s brush
  6. Small hair dryer if there is electricity.
  7. Shower cap & a hat - in case you are caught in a rain.

Put all into a double layer of ziplock bag.
Enjoy your flight. Long hours from London to Colombo. When making your air-ticket booking online, request for low fat diet, you will be served FIRST before the others passenger.

Been there twice (Colombo). Enjoy the Ceylon tea, curry rice and bread, noodles. Tour to elephant sanctuary and Buddha tooth.


I’ve gone off my Phonak Naida completely.

I went to yoga yesterday and could actually hear the person running it with my Xceed. With my Naida, I have to turn my volume up all the way and still struggle to hear the yoga teacher.

Which Aid do you find better?

I’m hoping to be able to get spare Xceed before I go so I don’t have to take the Naida.

I’ve got a portable travel size dryer now.


I think Ear Gear and dryer will be most important with spare Aids as well.


This is good to know. Thank you.


My one is made for travelling and isn’t very big. It’s made by Dry and Store and called Dry Caddy.


I still prefer Xceed while in a group or lecture. While driving, Naida is better in sound compression esp. lane departure or speeding. Naida sound sharper than Xceed.

Weather in Sri Lanka is not really that bad. Just careful with rainy season or occasional heavy rainfall. A straw hat or bucket cap with a dozen of spare shower cap will do the trick in case it rain cats and dogs. A thin & light rain clothes will be helpful. Light & compact - easy to carry. It also covers the head & HA’s.

Insect repellent kits or mosquito coil are useful in camping. Hope they are provided.


You’ve already got a great travel list, so i won’t add anything.
I just wish to commend you on doing a 6 week volunteer trip for a charity!
That is very admirable, and I thank you.
Safe travels, and keep us posted!


Get a wisesorb hearing aid dryer jar from Amazon. You will need it in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The humidity can be fierce there.


I’ve decided to take my Xceed and Naida rather than trying to get another pair of Xceed from my audiologist at the hospital.

Just waiting for my stay dry tubing to be delivered to my house and then I’m set to go.


I will be flying out on the 30th September.