How hot is it going to be? I was about to suggest power banks to run a D-Dry or something like that, but depending on the temperatures, sticking them in a jar with desiccant crystals might do just as well. But you’ll need a lot of desiccant, because it will get waterlogged quickly.
Spare tubes, molds, glue, etc.
Spare aids if you’ve got them.
cleaning kit (add a pin or needle)
whatever type of soap you use for the molds - don’t count on anything there being suitable
alcohol or travel alcohol wipes
Roger On and a spare if you’ve got one
power bank(s) and cord to charge the On (and some means of charging the power bank, if possible)
waterproof storage case for the aids and/or Roger (ziplock bags might work)
YMMV on cleaning the molds. I have to do it every 1-2 weeks or there are consequences, but it seems most others don’t have that problem. But just because it’s unnecessary in a temperate, climate-controlled environment doesn’t mean it won’t be necessary in a rainforest with no a/c. They’ll get a lot grosser a lot faster than they would at home. It might be worth bringing a D-Dry just to sterilize them, even if you don’t run the dry cycle.