What corrections would you make

I another post I talked about what my audiologist did to correct a few very minor problems. I didn’t like the new settings, so I reverted back to the previous settings.

As you can see from my audiogram, I have moderate cookie bite loss. I am using Jabra Enhance Pro 20 EP262 disposable battery, which is akin to Resound Nexia 9.

My minor complaints were fan noise either hissing or cycling as the noise reduction searched, and sometimes I couln’t hear the highest female tones. Overall I was pretty pleased with my much improved hearing, and maybe the audiologist put too much emphasis on my minor complaints.

She adjusted the Expansion from Mild to Moderate. She also turned the Sound Shaper from off to Moderate (3.5K). Resound Smart Fit software. To me, the result was not good. Everything sounded flat and muffled, kind of dead. I reset back to the original parameters. I can live with the fan noise and high tones, because the overall benefit is great. I can hear birds again.

So here’s a question. In the Resound Smart Fit software, are there some go to settings to handle fan noise and high tone female voices? It’s not bad, I’d just like better. There’s just so many settings, and i was hoping someone had already had this issue.

To me, shifting high tones down using Sound Shaper doesn’t seem right as it pushes the output into my worst loss area.

What do you think? Any ideas?