Wax passed the filter help

Any trick to remove wax that got in the receiver past the wax guard? I tried the little wire tool with no luck .

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Dry the receiver and use something like this or visit you HCP.
Good luck


One of these might work:

  1. If you have a spare wire tool, carefully cut the loop in half, bend one side away and VERY carefully try to dig the wax out. If you don’t have a spare, find a very small wire elsewhere and use it instead.
  2. With the tip pointed down, put the tip of the aid in a very warm environment and let the wax melt and run out. Something like a heat gun, perhaps? Hold the aid so you’ll know if it’s getting too warm/hot.
  3. Put a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide in a small container - perhaps a bottle cap? Very carefully hold the aid so you don’t drop it into the liquid but dip & hold the tip. The HP will dissolve the wax. Don’t dip beyond the wax.
  4. Take it back where you bought it and get help.

Thx, will try those things you recommend

Use special cleaning products for hearing aids, which can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. These products usually contain special solutions designed to dissolve and remove wax from hearing aids. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the manufacturer’s directions.

Can you name a brand or product name?

yeah, there’s one called Audiologist’s Choice. it’s pretty good for cleaning hearing stuff.

If wax gets into the hearing aid receiver, a small wire tool may not be effective as it may damage the device or push the wax deeper. Instead, try using a soft, dry brush to clean the receiver. A small brush with soft bristles can help remove wax without damaging the device


You cannot clean the inside of the receiver opening with a brush, one good way is to use a vacuum after warming up.


Tool did push wax further in and brush didn’t work

Will try Thx. Tool didn’t work nor did a tooth brush

Jodi-Vac vacuum if possible, it’s a well known one which works quite well.

I’ve decided to just buy a new receiver since a vacuum would cost over $100 and new receiver $30


Yeah that’s a bit steep, but the vacuum cleaner would get extra use on the HAs as well, a bit like buying a tool for the tool shed, only gets a bit use over time, most of our tools just sit in the toolbox ; )


hmm i’ve never tried this, thanks for the idea :writing_hand:

Free replacement of receiver is one benefit of buying at costco. They just replaced a receiver on my ks9 I got when they first came out. At no charge! I can only hope that policy lasts as long as the $1.50 hot dog has.


Now that’s great service!


They still do this. I got new wires and receivers for my KS9s last summer. In Canada, even though I bought them in the US.

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