Traveling to see the GOAT of hearing aid fittings for music producers/musicians - worth it?

Look for the phone app NIOSH SLM. I had a friend verify its readings with his professional meter.


I have it!! thank you

Regarding the NIOSH SLM appā€¦I assume you are an iPhone user as I donā€™t find this exact app on the Google Play Store.

Also, that would make sense as my first thought was how would the app know what the frequency response of the mic is which would be necessary for an accurate programming.

Even soā€¦do we know that all iPhone mics are the same frequency response? Or did you just get lucky that your mic in your model of iPhone happens to be accurate?

I think I just got lucky. Itā€™s a 12 pro. And even better, the Apple watch has a built in ā€œnoiseā€ program which matches perfectly. Itā€™s handy on-stage: 90 during warmup noodling, over 100 at peak. My audi incorporated Chasinā€™s checklist in my music program and built a special performance program using non-vented molds for the latter and more compression so I can hear myself under the noise. First test last night and I was fully comfortable in a very loud environment (90-100 peaks.) I could hear better than before, but I hope we can make further adjustments. I put the consultation with Chasin on hold but if I do that it will be in my audiā€™s office not in person in Toronto.

  • Michael

Just checked this out on my Apple Watch. Didnā€™t know it was there. Thanks. Wonder where I should set it? Maybe 85 or 90? I"m not in noise a lot, but would be curious to know when it is getting up there.

@user172 , Etymotic makes an active earplug powered by hearing aid batteries. It costs $300 but if they would allow you to accept live gigs that youā€™re now declining they would quickly pay for themselves.

In case it might help, this is what I do for the rare times I play loud live electric gigs: I use $20 Etymotic earplugs and I stuff them into my ears alongside the wires of my RIC HAs. Then I reduce the volume on my HAs to zero and then gradually increase the volume until I reach a volume level where I can hear well enough to play and sing.

This works for me and I believe it provides a sufficient amount of hearing protection. Pretty much all the sound that is getting into my ears is coming through my HAs, so I can control the volume of that sound. Thatā€™s my theory, anyway.

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Actually, thatā€™s a pretty reasonable assumption.

The only slight issue is where your monitor feed has to be set louder than usual so you can hear yourself over the drummerā€¦ā€¦itā€™s always the drummer! :joy:

However, given that itā€™s you making your noise and you controlling the volume while being relatively isolated, you shouldnā€™t need so much compensating level.