Transition speed for Phonak AutoSense

Just wondering what other people’s transition speed is for their AutoSense setting?

I’ve had mine changed from 0 to 4, I’m pretty sure that’s ‘very slow’ to ‘very fast’.

I’m finding I never notice when my AutoSense programs change despite having my transition speed changed.

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

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Pending on how closely the different programs are tuned you may or may not be able to tell if AutoSense is actually changing programs.

These differences in tuning each program are what some complain about I’m my opinion.


I have P90Rs and most of the time I don’t notice any change when I go from one environment to another. I do remember one or two times I thought to myself that I heard a quick change or a slight modification to my hearing and wondered if it was the Autosense 4.0 changing programs. It was that subtle.

Was there supposed to be beep noise when a program is changed to another program?

That would be annoying to me. But you can ask your Audi if a beep can be programmed into your hearing aids.

Zebras, are you talking about when you change a program with the app on your phone? I can get a beep when I change from AutoSense to Comfort in Echo and then back to AutoSense. If I change it With the App to restaurant or Music or TV, I do not get a beep. Now going back to AutoSense from any of these programs in my app on the phone, I will get a beep.