Streaming from TV to Phonal Lumity aids

I have just purchased Lumity L50 hearing aids and would like to stream content from my smart TV to my aids. Can I do this without using the very expensive Phonak streaming device?

Possibly, but it may disable the TVs speakers. You may also suffer a fair amount of lag

If the TV has Bluetooth you should be able to, however as mentioned, lag may be an issue. Used TV Connectors aren’t that expensive and eliminate the lag issue.

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That’s how I bought mine. EBay gets you a V2 connector for $100 or so.



Having just recently acquired Phonic L50-R now realise that LG TVs seem to have been going through a period of zero support for HA if your partner wants to listen to sound from TV speakers whilst you want to stream to aids. As it is you would need a Soundbar to get audio out of the set which also mutes internal speakers.