Sound quality Phonak TV connector vs Bluetooth

haggis - You may be perfectly right but on the other hand I am not sure I am making myself clear. I get crackling and cutting in and out from my built-in audio port on my 2012 laptop which I suspect is due to a damaged internal sound card. I get good clear sound most of the time when I use my standard streaming bluetooth into my KS9s but it burns through my hearing batteries almost daily, and most reports in this forum suggest that the TV connector uses a proprietary form of transmission which barely affects battery usage, so I thought maybe I could use this cable to connect my external sound card with the TV connector since I misplaced the optical cable which came with it.
But you could well be right anyway but for small change it is worth a try.

We live off grid and that is exactly why we have a power strip to turn everything off. TVs, stereos etc have phantom loads.

I can understand the input from random Bluetooth devices but if the TV Connect is without any power supplied then there should be no musical tone sent to the HA’s, hence, the soon to be installed mechanical on/off switch to be placed inline. Yep, I’m old school… :smiley:

BTW, Cheers on the home brew. It’s a very popular pastime here on the Central Coast of California.

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I have had HAs for 20 years and previously had a TV Streamer for my oticons.
Hubby and I both have Phonak Marvels. Were told they were so good we wouldn’t need a TV Connector, but Hubby still struggled with TV voices, and It was a nightly ritual of “What did he say?” so we bought the TV Connector last week. We have a Marantz which gives us brilliant sound through 5 speakers and I was worried we might lose that. Last night, not once did he ask, “What did he say?”. Added to that, I would swear I was in the middle of the action; the Surround Sound was truly surrounding me. On screen, it was a wet night and the car entered left, its tires swishing on the wet road before exiting right. The two main characters talked in the courtyard ahead of me whilst lesser voices passed left, right and behind me.
My one question is does anyone know how , when two of us are using the TV Connector, one of you can switch off? I assumed it would be easy using the MyPhonak app, but it didn’t seem to work.

Your Phonak Marvel aids can be set up in the hearing aid software to do one of three things concerning how they connect to the TV connector.
My wife’s are set up to connect automatically to the TV connector when available while mine are set up to give me a tone when available. I have 5 seconds to touch the volume toggle to turn on the sound from the TV connector. I can also at any time give my up volume toggle a long push to turn off the sound from the TV connector.

These settings need to be done by your audiologist in the Phonak Target software.

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This is great to know. Thanks. I’m taking note for my possible future purchase.

Anyone here know a trick for increasing the range of the TV connector? I have an old house with thick walls and it cuts off as soon as I leave the room. I know there are long-range bluetooth devices out there but I really do like the TV connector.

The Costco (Phonak) TV connector has less range than the real deal expensive Phonak TV connector.
I actually like the shorter range of the Costco connector. We have three in the house, nicer for connecting to the one you want.

True? There exactly the same device tho aren’t they, same internal components.

I read somewhere a while back about a member who had both devices. They clearly stated the difference.
I can’t prove this myself.

I have found my Phonak TV Connector to be noisy. During regular shows and music (satellite TV) the sound seams fine although I can hear some faint “sshhhhh” with it, but during quieter scenes of TV or music it becomes very noticeable. I have tried moving the TV Connector to many different places to reduce possible rf interactions, and tried the head phone cable as well, but nothing has helped it. When connected to my laptop it is much quieter because the volume output of the laptop is much higher. When I turned down the laptop headphone output to match the TV it was just as noisy, so I figured that means it must be the TV Connector (they are really noisy when TV is paused). They have sent it out for repairs and gave me a demo to use until it comes back, but I get the same thing. I have a set of 4 year old Unitron Moxi Fits with a uTV3 and a uDirect 3 that has a real Toslink connection as well as a headphone and eva connector, and it is perfectly quite at all times even when TV is paused. Boy did Sonovas really screw up the TV Connector for Phonak. Has anyone else found the same thing or am I going or already crazy?

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So I finally picked up a Phonak tv connector for my Naida Paradise aids. All I can say is WOW!

It is such a huge difference. Never realize the specific background sounds (like foot stepping & low volume music to enhance the scenes).