SmartFit 1.4

I downloaded SmatFit during Hughesnet off-peak bonus hours overnight. Do I just unzip and run Setup (or whatever it’s called)? No need to remove old version ?? Will database be preserved?

Generally (I don’t have ReSounds) you can use the update feature to update the fitting software, or you can use a newly downloaded latest version of the installation file(s). They both do the same thing while preserving your client database.

I guess I succeeded (even though Setup said 1.3) in moving to 1.4 . What horribly unintuitive software! No wonder my audi has trouble keeping up. If he sells 4 brands and has to keep current on servicing their quirks, wow!
So, I’m going with the “session” method, though I do have one extra patient which only has the original data in case I botch something up. [end rant].

Yesterday I tried the In-Situ audiogram option. Other than it never really seemed to end, and when I tried to apply it it said “not enough frequency channels”, I think I created a new audiogram. When I tried using that for a fitting it asked whether it should be applied to Target and/or Input. I ended up with the 4 programs being considerably lower gain than what my audi left me with, and, living alone, had no easy reference frame for testing. For good measure, I bumped one program up a bunch so I wouldn’t be without gain, and headed off to the mall for a test. The new parameters were uselessly low. While I heard the car radio OK, I couldn’t hear my own horn beep. I ended up using the beefed up program I had created.
I guess what I’m asking is where I find the difference between what the audiogam discovers as to what threshhold levels I hear, and what gain settings are appropriate. Looking at the graph for my old fitting, I understand the frequency bands for the columns, but what are the 50, 65 & 80 row designations? The numbers seem to be Gain. If I change them, the curve bumps up or down. I guess the slid vs dashed lines are Target & Input, though I don’t know what that means. I (we) figured out that CR is probably compression ratio, though I don’t know where it comes from, and it doesn’t seem to be changeable.
Maybe this is why audis make the big bucks. Too bad mine is more concerned about the length of his lab coat.

The 50, 65, and 80 are dB SPL of input sound from the environment to your HA mic’s and the two possible views of your HA settings as a function of frequency at those input levels are GAIN (the amount of additional amplification that will be added) or if you click on the three vertical lines with dots button in the top middle center, the TARGET output curves (the total dB output by the HA at that input with the gain applied).

It sounds like you should best be doing more reading and taking Audiology Online courses FIRST rather than just changing settings and seeing what happens. Although driving, for instance, is mostly visual, if you’ve changed your HA settings in such a way that you can barely hear your car horn, you’ve changed them in a potentially dangerous way - you can’t hear someone else’s car horn as they honk to warn you about some impending collision, etc. If you search around the forum you can probably find lots of recommended reading if not just taking info from other people’s posts.

P.S. The 50, 65, and 80 dB input levels are considered “soft”, “moderate,” and “loud” sound levels.

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Right you are . . . and I spent most of today reading up on web stuff, rather than getting outside to walk the dog on the first decent weather day in a while.
Have to reread the Resound white papers on the features of their devices. Have to figure out whether there is anything special about All Arouds, Restaurant, etc programs or whether they are just names for all the same stuff. For this kind of money, I should be getting better results.

Hi Don, I need to find a Smart Fit download, can you let me know where you found your copy?

Just noticed your post now. Auditing ReSound courses for free at Audiology Online will help you out. The parameters for All-Around, Restaurant, Outdoors, and Music are decidedly different. Careful exploration of Smart Fit settings will show you that. Hope you’ve found that out yourself by now. Below is a link to ReSound courses available online. The most recent are shown first but using the Search on a topic of interest to you will help you avoid having to scroll for miles by skim reading.

Very powerful filter/search view obtainable at Audiology Online:

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Hay, can anyone assist me finding a copy of the Smart Fit software I have tried google and no joy, and the resound site seems to need a password to get the Dropbox to open.

I just downloaded from ReSound Software

BTW, the latest version on the site is