Silencing the Competition: Inside the Fight Against the Hearing Aid Cartel

@SpudGunner WELL said!


[ADDENDUM: I apologize for the multiple edits and also for the one that, unintentionally, transplanted part of @greg.smith’s post into the middle of my text!]

I’m quoting myself in a new post, here, to try to draw back some readers I may have lost when Greg’s text showed up in the middle of mine. I apologize that it takes me so many edits to get a piece right, but I find that the Discourse text editor is very hard-to-read and finicky sometimes - nothing to do with my advancing years!

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SpudGunner I found your post really helpful.

I learned a lot from it.

Thank you

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@DaveL: Thank you, Dave. I try to be helpful.

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I am in the 20% that’s been referred to. Do I think aids are overpriced. Of course I do. Thank God I have insurance. At the same time that tiny little device opens a whole world to me that otherwise wouldn’t exist, at all. It’s because of that which makes the price a little easier to deal with. Even so every time I buy new aids I feel guilty thinking this money could be better spent elsewhere and I should just deal with my loss. I think everyone walks out of the building wearing new aids thinking they spent too much money


No better place to spend bux. Without the aids, you would cut off people and experiences that just would not be possible. I think it is a quality of life issue. If the VA didn’t give mine, I would absolutely pay for them…happily…Nothing better than hearing the soft voices of the grand children…

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Nobody disputes the benefits received from wearing aids. What is being questioned is whether those that need them are being taken advantage of

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I really don’t know the answer to
that. Probably. It is one thing that I would like about Social Medicine…I believe folks have the absolute right to be able to hear!..WTG British commonwealth!

@danhuddleston: Don’t cheer the Commonwealth too loudly. We don’t have socialized hearing or vision care in Canada, not to mention dental!

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Whoops!..My bad! I thought all the commonwealth countries had good social medical. I stand corrected…Mea maxima culpa!


:+1: :heart: (and the “post must be at least 30 characters…” :worried:)

I mean, I was taken for emergency surgery a few years back by ambulance, transferred between hospitals, seen by 4 paramedics, five doctors and countless nurses, kept in the hospital for 4 days, and I only had to pay $45 to supplement the first ambulence ride. So Canada is decent. But yeah, we have a ways to go on vision, hearing and dental.


I agree @Neville. Was not meaning to denigrate Canada (after all, I wore the uniform). But we make people poor who don’t have insurance for vision, dental, and hearing.


Our health plan in Canada has deteriorated. Indications are:

  • many new residents in Toronto can’t get a family physician. (think how bad it is to find a family doc if you live anywhere that’s remote!)
  • nurses work horrible hours! And then along comes C19
  • there aren’t enough nurses and they’re poorly treated
  • we don’t have enough hospitals in major centres/think what it’s like to live in an Atlantic or Northern Province

Drifted a pretty good way from this forums topic.


At 83, I’m playing a “Penney’s binary game”. That is, since my HAs are over 6 yrs. old, I don’t know which is coming first, new, COSTLY aids, or the OTC, cheaper ones that fit my budget.

Being on a budget effects my choice.

Does anyone at all have any idea when the OTC aids will be available.
I don’t want to use ebay or Costco, but my question is: Should I keep waiting, and for how long?
(I could probably go for as long as a year without HAs, since I have moderate hearing loss and a very docile life style)

Any advice? (what I really want to do is go into CVS, pick up my medicine and shop for aids - somehow in shadows of my brain, that is a nice dream to have)

Your right ear is beyond a moderate hearing loss so I suspect you would not be happy with the OTC and the hearing would feel unbalanced. I don’t know what the return privileges will be with the OTC, you could always try once they are available but I think you would do better with traditional hearing aids.

You’ll find these suitable for your loss, basically are OTC by Bose, the Bose Sound Control Hearing Aids, a few members have used them with good results, at $850 they could be in your budget.

Use the search button from right here on hearingtracker, to help you find out more information.

Thank you for your service. My Father was career Navy. Lived in Halifax a lot, and my late Sister and my Brother were born there.

@DaveL: Thank you, Dave. It was my great pride and privilege to serve our country in uniform (many also serve in civilian capacities, too). I appreciate your recognition.

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