Signia Pure 13 BT Expert Hearing Aid Review + Oticon Opn Comparison

No, I have not experienced that.

I always pair first through the Settings screen and they try to go to the app. Except for that first time when it said “Go Pair first”. I’ve actually never gone into Demo mode.

Something else to consider, Apple made some “feature” where when you turn bluetooth or wifi off through the Control Center, it doesn’t actually do it. So when I want to be sure, it turn it off through the Settings app. Here is a link to that article:

That’s very insightful @KenP … I’m reading up more about it right now.

Thank you Ken. I have deleted the app once before but not sure since iOS 11. I’ll give it a try.
@ Con, I will read the article. For some reason, my Audi said that is what you have to do. There is nothing selectable unless I do that. I’m interested in what version of My Control you have. Mine is. Firmware 5.2, Hardware Version 1.0 and software Version Thanks again. Maybe it is just how BT is, but when I answer the phone I would like to know my HAs will work to help me hear the other person.

Re-installing the app was advice I received from Signia’s Product Support Specialist on a couple of occasions! They had at least several updates why I was trialing the Pure 13 BTs and on a couple of occasions I was asked to remove, reboot, and reinstall just to make sure it did it all correctly.

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I had contacted Signia customer service and got a very nice rep. I was discussing the BT problem (my first pair) with him. He responded and inquired about my phone and how I was pairing my HAs etc. he had gone to the trouble of cutting and pasting my questions with his answers. I did the same with my answers to his questions. I sent the message to him. Didn’t hear back. It was in a Friday so I thought, maybe on Monday he got busy and my email message got lost among his others so on Tuesday or Wednesday I resent the message. Note, this email was going directly to him. Never heard a word back.

Thanks for the review. Wondering if you can tell us what your fitting process was like?

I would guess the same with the reverberation characteristic as well. I wouldn’t say that the OPN would attempt to reduce the reverberation characteristic of a room because the OPN would want to preserve the integrity of the sounds, and the only thing it would try to do is that it would try to improve the clarity of the speech.

for this oticon already have patent on open sound navigation include echo cancellation.

Ulrik Kjems and Jesper Jensen (2015), “Noise estimation for use with noise reduction and echo cancellation in personal
communication”, US Patent US9224393B2
Ulrik Kjems and Jesper Jensen (pending), “Noise estimation for use with noise reduction and echo cancellation in
personal communication”, EP application EP2701145A1
Ulrik Kjems and Jesper Jensen (pending), “Noise estimation for use with noise reduction and echo cancellation in
personal communication”, Chinese Patent Application CN103632675A

I could be wrong, but I think manufacturers would treat people better if replying on a forum with a decent sized office than they do individuals.

So you don’t think they just want to talk to audiologists? I think having them answer on a forum would be helpful as then you could see other inputs. But that being said they have a Contact Us button. I have specific issues that talking to them would be helpful. So far the few folks here that have discussed Signia Pure 13, haven’t had my issue. I’m frustrated. Will talk to my Audi tomorrow.

My experience with emailing through standard procedures often gets ignored or gets a “non answer” answer. I think if there a way to contact reps through the forum with shared answers, there would be more accounatiblity. I think if a manufacture was responsive on the forum that it would be good marketing, Then again, all indications are that HA manufacturers are after uninformed consumers.


even offical email for support not giving answer same with every company. they are answering one line on any problem. go to audi office: or no answer dumb.


I first fitting of the Pure 13 BTs started out with power domes. We took my main hearing aids, the Oticon Opn 1s and recent audiogram and tried matching their settings as closely as possible based on the frequency responses and compression settings. I had trouble adjusting to Pure 13 BTs, and quickly discovered that the power domes were not adequate given my severe hearing loss. The receiver was moving around in my ears causing a lot of reverberation,sound leakage, and my voice sounded really off. It took about two 2 weeks of trials and bad experiences before we did the first REM (Real Ear Measurement), and then we were able to confirm the power domes were the issue. From there, Signia’s product specialist made custom molds for me that ended up fixing a lot of the issues cited above. All in all, I had about 5 or 6 separate fittings and 3 REM tests to confirm that everything was working as expected. The second and third REMs were with new silicone molds. From there, all small adjustments were done over Telecare to fix very specific issues in certain listening environments.

I hope this answers your question.

The lesson in all this for me was:
Ask for a REM on your first fitting with a new hearing aid and make sure the gain at the very least hits the targets of your existing hearing aids.


@ConZ27 With me having to go into Demo mode to get menu items to be selectable- do you think it could be a setting that my Audi hasn’t turn off or on whatever the case may be? Someone else, like you, stated they did not have to go into Demo mode on the app. I’ve never received an answer from my Audi as to why this is. Signia has not answered it either. Thank you.

@Sequoia_Woman, this is a great example of an issue that we can log into Even better, I have a great connection at Signia who might be able to help you out! I can ask her a favor once we get your bug logged.

If you can do me a favor and gather some of the information you see in this already existing bug report:, then I can help you add it to the site and I will forward that to my connection at Signia.

The more detailed you can be in describing your problem, the better shot at resolving it. Can’t promise results, but this is great attempt at trying!

Ok I’ll write up something regarding this problem and shall I post it here?

You can send me a private message?

Just click on your picture icon on the top right. Then click the “mail” icon. On the page that opens up, scroll past your Audiogram picture and below in a blue box you will see “New Message”. Send it through there in case we need to have a few back-and-forths should I need additional information or have questions.

The issue with the MyControl app not connecting to my Signia Pure 13BT HAs seems to have been resolved for the time being,with me taking these actions; #1. Updating my iOS to 11.1.2 and #2. Uninstalling the app and reinstalling the app. The Streaming of audio and the receiving of Phone calls through the hearing aids is working as should be, seamlessly. Time will tell if things remain working as should be. Thank you @ConZ27. for helping me run through some steps. For the record I really like the Signia Pure 13BT clarity of speech and hearing, andthe Spatial Configurator. Using the Noisy Environment mode in restaurants, along with Spatial Configurator is quite helpful. I was quite frustrated with the BT disconnecting, but it appears maybe 11.1.2 update to the iOS and the reinstalling the app following the update may have fixed that. Thank you to the members of Hearing Tracker. I am following many of the posts and learning so very much. Thanks to all.

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Just re-read this. We don’t have to imagine anymore :slight_smile:

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The future is here! :slight_smile: