Seeking Insights on Widex's New Smartric Hearing Aid

Aye, I have black tape over a myriad of LED’s in my bedroom (TV, cable box, various chargers). I was expecting these LED’s to turn off after inactivity, but they don’t. Tape will be my next step here, likely.

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How have you found the noise on the microphones so far-I know the position has changed to decrease this? I have long fine hair and usually tuck it behind my ears. With a ric this means there isn’t enough room or it’s very noisy on the microphone as I try to do this. Is it narrower ? Apologies as unless you have long hair this may be difficult to answer! I know I am on the edge of customs with my hearing & will need to move to ric at some point. As a child I had BTE and was delighted to move away from this due to hair noise.

I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask about hair noise - my hair comes down to exactly wiping the top of the hearing aid. It’s neither covering it, nor short of it, exactly on it. That being said, I have not noticed any real change in hair noise, despite their marketing hype otherwise.

First full day yesterday, went to bed with a 60% charge left. Not too bad.

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